Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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i just wanted to finish all the posting before i dealt with comments, sorry, it's all open now, that was mearly a temporary setup, i had a senthetic cord that was much too thick and bright white, so i seperated the core and ended up with three slightly thinner ropes. and made a sort of raft type setup.
tomorow morning i plan on digging a sloping depression that is about 8 inches deep at the bottom and slightly bigger than my pots, first will go down an anti weed tarp to keep my babies from growing through the bottom of the pots and into the dirt, (i get the fealing i might neglect them some more) then the plants go in on top of that, then i will lash some slender willow rods and bend them over the depression while sticking the ends into the dirt. on top of this finally goes the clear plastic, im going to wrap the corners in gorilla tape for strength and stake these tightly into the ground, this should keep those babys safe from possums and nice and warm. behold my incredible ms paint skills as i masterfully illustrate this for you;


Well-Known Member
i dunno, i usully leave them till they are about as grown as in the first pic. then put them in the dirt, really depends buddy. maybe you should read your own signature links? I also would like to say that if you live up near where i am i don't recoment planting this early, i was simply bored and decided to try some old seeds, the fact that i got 55 instead of 12 means a little more work but i dont plan on really putting a whole lot into this grow. this will be an experement in minnimalist growing beaner style, sure ill spend all day long smoking and whittling in the woods but for the most part im not going to be visiting these guys till early august for sexing. more grow logs will come when i start my early bud and mighty mite in late may. those plants will be getting the posh treatment. no inbread deerstands and outdoor warmboxes for them, 3 weeks indoors into 10 female per plots with all the fixins. stay tuned, beaner out.


Well-Known Member
Nice..So the clear tarp is going to be slightly elevated like a green house right. And why do you not want the roots to grow into the ground do you plan on moving them agaian..


Well-Known Member
after a little lashing and leaves and bark for camo i have finished my overnight stand. it looks pretty invisible from 30+feet away, and is high enough to keep away all but the most detirmined deer.

man u need to stop watching the blair witch movies j/k... but i think that thing will scare me away if i were ther it looks like witch studff


Well-Known Member
for sure im moving them again they are just in tiny jiffy pots for now, would'nt make sence to plant 55 plants in 2 square feet of soil would it? i am about halfway through building my new growroom so these puppies are starting life in the warmbox. i elevated the tarp so the water doesn't collect on the inside or outside of it. and in a few weeks, probably a month cause it's still cold, they will get split into 3 plots of 15-20 plants. i will be transplanting into super america big gulps or something in a week or two and digging the pit deaper to hide the cups.

eastlosg--i was thinking more of that survivul show on discovery channel when i was lashing it


Well-Known Member
Well I wasn't thinking about them being that close, I was in space or something....and I meant are all of them staying in the same area but now I know your seperating into three spots...I have never grown outdoors(well once when I was young) I was thinkin about it and just wanted some info...So thanks for the help now and in the future....


Well-Known Member
man it would be cool to climb way up a tree and tie that up, put like 4 plants up there in little pots, all lashed together...i might look around but im picky with on the ground spots, up in trees will be worse... so far i have literally spent 50 plus hours walking through every open space i can find with google maps. still havent found one i like but i saved the best for last.

As for the plots for these guys, i don't really know, i mean 55 is a lot for this area, it's not that far from new developments being built, by next summer it will most likely be paved over. i need to start thinking about transport boxes so i can carry a backpack full of seedlings to transplant when the time comes. there is going to be a lot of walking, but as for these guys i may just stick them all fairly tight together in one patch, it will thin out when i get the males. the spot i have picked is in a huge field of scrub, but one corner of the field must have really good soil because the same plants (look very similar to weed)on that corner are 12-14 feet tall and thick as mary kate's wrist while the rest of the field they never get taller than 5 feet. im going right to the center of the forest of dead monster stems from years before to make a clearing and dig up and amend the soil with more scotts topsoil and partially composted leafs. ill put a fence around it of course hopefully they will keep up with the local plants and blend in nice....we will see.


Well-Known Member
will do bud, im going to be heading out there again soon, though if it rains they are on there own,lol


Well-Known Member
Those pics were takin yesterday it just warming up were you are from..All the trees are full here..


Well-Known Member
coldest state in the us, lol there are no leaves on the trees at all, a few have some small buds just starting to open but thats about it. you think thats a creapy pic you should try walking back there at 1 am like i did last night with nothing but a big knife and a small flourecent lantern. scared me shitless but i forgot the slide for my bong and it was desperately needed. I am going out to scout again as soon as i roll a few cigs and joints for the trip, i guess ill bring the camera though i don't know what ill take pics of... maybe a tutorial on finding sites i dunno.


Well-Known Member
probably wont get the warmbox done and posted up till evening but who knows, a few joints and a bong and i might change my mind. I really kinda just want to make these my Mythbuster plants ya know? like take 4 put them right in the ground, put a few under pine tree put a few indoor under lights, use ferts with a few organics with a few, diluted urine, dog hair, I have tons of theorys about growing that i would like to prove, and what better way than with a decent population of plants i don't really mind losing... lot of skunk in the genetics so it will probably end up harvested early anyway, (skunk#1 is indoor, wont finish till late october-november) we get first frost sometime in september usually.


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ug, well after a 5 mile hike through the biggest swamp i have ever found, i have decided to go completely in growbags, and to put every seed and clone i can get my hands on into that swamp. it was huge, just enourmous, tons of good spots, i could hide a thousand plants in there if i wanted to, hopefully at least 200 if i can get the seeds. does anyone know of a site that sells bulk seeds at decent prices? normally i would make my own at the numbers i am thinking, but i don't have time, the cheepest rout i can think of would be to buy twenty packs of early girl from nirvana at 15 bucks a pack. although gypies boutique used to give a freebee pack of skunk#1's with every order, do they still do that?


Well-Known Member
cmon guys lets get some discussion here!!! I am really excited, i haven't ever found a spot so large and full of possiblilities, there are a few problems however, deer and woodchucks, this place is crawling with deer, i saw probably more than 60 deer, as well as about 30 wild turkeys, and a ring neck pheasant that nearly gave me a heart attack.

I will be going out tomorow to buy a palet of the same scotts topsoil, and at least a 100-200 3 gallon grow bags. I will most likely be employing a fellow grower to be my parter in this, we have worked together in the past and is the ONLY person i trust. the greenhouse i spoke of will be upgraded to a near life size greenhouse at the location, where the plants will spend there first month or two, completely safe from predetors under plastic wrap.

Durring this time me and my partner will be finding spots, then packing bags of soil to the spots, the bags may or may not be amended with virmiculite, and will get a lite sprinkle of osmocote 14-14-14 time release fertalizer. i will be putting them in groups of 5-10 throughout the expansive swamp, with a chicken wire fence over the plants, i may decide to plant a few decoy plants in my bags before i fence them to see if the deer will be interested even.

i am going to bust ass tonight and finish most of my indoor grow cab so i can germinate my last 25 seeds of at least 4 strains, and keep waves of plants coming for the swamp.


Well-Known Member
very remote, after a mile or two of hiking directly into the heart of the woods, all sign of people is gone. usually in most woods around here you can't go deap enough without missing a few 50 year old mountain dew cans laying around. With the exception of some bathtub sized chunks of solid iron at the edge of the forest there is no sign man has ever been here. the only people living in the surrounding areas are very wealthy people, 750 thousand dollar houses on 20 acres of golfcourse like backyards. they never go into the woods, i checked the edges of all ajoining property, no paths or atv trails whatsoever.

As for frost, i dunno, i never plant this early because minnesota can be 80 one day and 14 inches snow the next, which is a very common occurence, hell it happened just a month or two ago...frost is always a threat but the cold frame should help, im really only worried about september frosts, every day it doesn't frost adds weight to my total, im going to hope to keep them alive till mid october but i have horrible luck with early frost.

I took some really nice pics of wild turkeys and a ten point buck, but i forgot to put the memory card im my cam before i left, so unless i can find the upload cord those pics are stuck on my cam for good.

It looks like rain today but i really want to go back out and make the coldframe. If i do you know i will take pics. I am begging you guys, i want your input! any little ideas or questions you have will be answered thourally.
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