Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
I don't have any ideas I hope to get some from this thread so keep me posted and be descriptive...When I have questions trust me I will answer them..


Well-Known Member
Well alas the rain is definatly coming, half of me doesn't care and wants to just go back out, rain or no. hell that same half wants me to camp out there,for the whole season, and depending on how well this grow goes, i might do that for the last month...

I purchased almost an entire palet of scotts topsoil,(they really don't give you a deal in bulk, damnit) they are going to store it till tomorow when my partner and i can load it on his truck and go hide it in the swamp, i also picked up 200 3 gallon growbags when i was getting parts for the indoor box. all in all i have spent amost my entire budget(i thought it would be way less)I now have about 300 bucks for seeds and anything els i might need right now, so If i don't have success i will have to explain to the old woman how i wasted a grand on

I went out and watered the seedlings, they look ok, a few didn't make it, as expected. I am planning on bringing them indoors tonight or tomorow when i finish my grow cab, they will stay in there for a week or two, whenever the next batch needs the box. They would be fine outdoors, but i want faster growth and healthier plants, as well as keeping as many alive as possible, i really want to maximize the total plants i can get out there in the next month, so im not going to be able to half ass them like i had planned.

I am still having trouble with seeds, my one option is to order single packets from nirvana, but i would like to find a company that sells in bulk, especially if i could get mighty mite, say 1-200 seeds. that would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
well it has been raining most of the day and that didn't bother me in the least, my sprouts being perched on a tiny treehouse in the woods, but i went outside and saw that the rain had stopped, everything was earily calm, all aside from the neon green sky and incredible silent lightning in the distance, the last time i saw it like this i lost a 7 foot thick maple in my backyard, took down a telephone pole as well as my gazebo and gutters on my house.

I don't expect this one to be as bad, but nonetheless i raced to my tree and took the plants and moved them too the ground, im not worried about the rain just that the wind might knock them off there perch. i did cover with oak leaves to protect from the rain. hopefully ill have the box done tonight, all i have to do is figure out how to wire the transformers and lights all into one cord that i can hardwire into the main house power without plugs.


Well-Known Member
Yep, its official Beaner just took the #1 grower on rollitup for me lol. Fdd had it for a while, but maybe it was because of her old avitar lol, which made me laugh everytime. Beaner you are the man!!! I love the maguiver skills man, also you should open up a thread, and devote say 15 of them to peoples expirements on what they always wanted to try, but never did. You might get some incredible results whoknows? Man I hope everything works out awesome. My plants are outside as well, I had a problem with some bugs, and rodents, and so I threw mothballs all around my earthbox, worked awesome, no bugs since then : ). If you are growing in the ground though, I wouldnt put htem on it, just get something like a peanut can, or anything and put them in those. They work great, and they are like 150 for 1.50$ so its afforable. You may know all of this already, just trying to help you out

Good luck man, I hope everything works out better then you expected, keep me updated! : )


Well-Known Member
no i am definatly not the number 1 grower, lol fdd has much much more knowledge and experience than i ever will, im just good in the woods and reckles with my freedom.

p.s. your a girl fdd? huh never knew.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any ideas I hope to get some from this thread so keep me posted and be descriptive...When I have questions trust me I will answer them..
I meant to say if I have any questions I'll ask not answer them.....LOL


Well-Known Member
well starting tomorow i am going to be ordering from nirvana through gypsies boutique. im buying 10-15 packs of seeds so i can't afford mighty mite, which sucks, i have 5 seeds so ill have a couple but its usually my main strain. I am thinking early bud would be the best bet but it is nirvana and i haven't ordered from them in a few years. i used to buy white rhino from them, it's a good strain, the 50 i have out now are part white rhino from nirvana but they don't sell it anymore...Im still shopping but i seem to remember bad things about early bud, like low potency and only average flowering time/.


Well-Known Member
I know alot of people hate lowryder but with the early frost you get a few might not hurt...Nice thread by the way I am gonna look for some outdoor spots soon so keep the pics coming..


Well-Known Member
Have you used indoor clones outside with success.....I mean like let them root under flouro's and set them outside for a bit each day to get used to the sun then transplant them outdoors til harvest...Only problem with this is getting all the clones to the spot but I was thinkin about trying...


Well-Known Member
i don't hate lowryder but i don't have enough time for 2 harvests, plus 30 days to let the seeds dry out, they would be done around the same time as normal plants and yield less product, and much less quality product, i have grown it before, and wasn't too impressed. next month i may order a pack or two however to breed for seeds, 10 females full of seeds would make a nice addition to next years mighty mite, hopefully if this goes well ill be doubling my efforts and prep for next year in the same area. the season has hardly started though and im not one to speculate something like that.

After shopping around i found that for some reason gypsy nirvana isn't selling white rhino, my favorite strain, but other companys are selling it at double the price. thats a sad thing, but i have decided to order early bud, early misty, and so far thats about it, i need early strains over potent ones, anything that will finish mid september will be more potent than say a kali mist by serious which wouldn't finish till november and would have to be harvested halfway through budding.

Also i would like to point out, that just because it frosts before they are done does not mean i am out of weed, just that my yield and potency wont be as much as it could be, frost does nothing to buds, and the plants will usually survive several light frosts, a few deep frosts in a row (under 27 F) will kill off all the sun leaves, and usually in an ironic twist it will be warm and sunny for an additional 3 weeks after your plants were harvested because of frost.

Today i plan to head out to the swamp with my partner (he better not flake!)we are bringing the soil and stashing it in a depression somewhere and covering with leaves and branches. also we will be bringing the seedlings (possibly) because i am too lazy to figure out the wiring on my growbox, and will most likely electrocute myself if i rush this. I have an electrition friend comming to help in a few days. we will construct a cold frame from willow bows and twine, covered in the shrinkwrap they wrap palats with to keep them from spilling. I am also kinda toying with the idea of making fences with this stuff, i mean on one hand it might reflect light to much or it might be invisible, only time will tell, but you can be sure im going to take a lot of pics.


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread on the constuction of a coldframe check it out! here is a finished pic.

I spent the entire day hiking to the very reaches of my swamp, i found deer, wild turkey, ribbon snakes, some kinda turtle, red tailed hawks, perigrine and prairy falcons, ravens and frogs. I discovered the full scape of my grow area, and let me tell you it is at least 10 times bigger than i previously estimated, but i seem to have found an oasis, surrounded by miles of swamp on all sides, and impossible to get too unless you want to brave half a mile of sink holes, hidden puddles, boggy ground and countless fallen logs hidden by grass, just waiting to trip you up. i am quite confident nobody will try this because the area is surrounded with a giant horseshoe sized wetland, impossible to cross. the only area to access my forest is about a quarter mile wide and half a mile long, not very likely anyone will try and go back there for many years. the land is private property and hunting is prohibited so i wont have to deal with turkey and dear hunters.



Well-Known Member
Nice man ur a total outsdoor men hiker, ive dont this before but threw desert land shotting shot gun shells hunting and nice spot
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