
View attachment 4390134
I’m the yellow chairs on this exact sandbar. Tide goes out, I take my happy ass out further to lay on the sand.
You’re welcome to come visit anytime.
That is my kind of beach. One without folks on it. I remember when you could walk Mexico Beach from end to end, and maybe see a dozen folks.

On a related subject, I saw a lady and her dog jogging this morning on the paved road down near the pond camp. And I didn't know who she was. My world is getting too damn crowded.
nice ...where is the ice chest?? and i see no fishing poles?
Over there in the sea oats silly. Funny story, back in the day we would go out there with a pony keg, drink it and burying it the remainder in a hole with ice liner and head back out in the morning to drink and sleep on the sand. I don’t really remember much of high school but I will never forget that trick.

Edit: same place, we fish at night, when the sharks are hungry. You couldn’t pay me to swim there at night!
Over there in the sea oats silly. Funny story, back in the day we would go out there with a pony keg, drink it and burying it the remainder in a hole with ice liner and head back out in the morning to drink and sleep on the sand. I don’t really remember much of high school but I will never forget that trick.

Edit: same place, we fish at night, when the sharks are hungry. You couldn’t pay me to swim there at night!

eh i would swim there at night at all......on a side note....shark is good to eat, especially the small ones...
We shark fish from the beach.... from Fort Morgan - Panama Beach and near shore from small craft . Just catch and release now but we used to harvest some 8-12'ers . Anything over 9-10' is more than my 15-0 Penn can handle now, I've lost two 6-0 senitors to over heating the brakes and melting the side plates on the Dan Russell Pier.
I sure miss my penn international gear.