Becoming a Lawyer


Well-Known Member
So after hours of research and becoming completely infuriated with the current laws I've decided to be pro-active. I would love to be able to help anyone in our position who would be unfortunate enough to be caught. My goal would be to help people who would unconstitutionally be jailed for a bullshit offense. The defense portion is what intrigues me the most. I went to school originally to become an engineer, but I soon realized my heart was not in it. With this however, there is a lot more on the line, people's very lives. Being able to rake a police officer across the coals on the stand would make me giggle inside. Also, this would be a good start to help make a stand against a legacy of injustice. I did well in english and speech class in college, I never needed any notecards. I took mock trial in high school and did very well, even in my first year I was awarded a best attorney award. I love arguing with anyone who will lend an ear. I realize however I won't get anywhere talking with my stoner friends how weed should be legal. Talking on this forum is like preaching to the choir. I'm fucking pissed as hell and want to do something about it, this is the best way I can think of to do that. Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
емега[Ł]đ;576536 said:
Does the DEA really classify Crack, Cocaine, and Crystal meth as less harmful drugs than "Marijuana"
Yes, this is entirely true. Granted, enforcement and the courts do not use this as a guideline in sentencing however. Regardless, Marijuana is classified in this worst category with "no room for medicinal use", Schedule I, along with Heroin, LSD, and Ecstasy. Schedule II contains Crack, Cocaine, and Crystal Meth. For comparison Schedule V contains Robitussin A.

Heavy Smoker

Active Member
I want to be a lawyer too. Almost done with my BA in philosophy. Probably going to take the LSAT's some time next year.

The legal process is like a sporting event. Prosecution vs. Defense. Its a major rush when you WIN. I have some experience from fighting traffic tickets and and weed tickets.

Your local courthouse has internet resources with searchable legal precedents making it easy to find supreme court decisions regarding issues similar to yours, hopefully you will find some that help your case. This method is very effective. I got a pot case dismissed for illegal search an seizure and other reasons such as racial profiling. See, when you get pulled over you have been seized. The cop pulled me over for seatbelts, checked my information, everything was fine, and came back 5 minutes later and started asking people to get out of the car, questioning us, shining flashlights in the car, and they eventually found a couple seeds on the seat. Next they find a tiny roach in the ashtray.
So they gave me a ticket for unlawful possesion of marihuana (thats how the laws spell it in NY). I got them to throw it out for a few couple reasons:

1) They were not pulling me over for seatbelts, they were using seatbelts as a means to investigate something that they did not have enough reason to pull me over for in the first place -- ILLEGAL
2) I found a supreme court precedent that stated that when you get pulled over you are technically being "seized" and that this seizure should only be as long as what you are being seized for... in my case seatbelts... therefore they seized me for way longer than it took to give a seatbelt ticket, the cop should have just given me the tickets after he checked my information and got my license... but he just started doing his own investigation... ILLEGAL

And I just got an improper turn ticket reduced to some minor non-moving violation last week. What a rush!!!

Good luck, and remember your rights!!


Well-Known Member
whenever i think of a lawyer i think of a money hungry hypocrite.. its good to see decent people wanting to get into this profession. we need more people like you