Bees all over my buds!!! WTF?

Water in the sun is useless to hornets, the cooler interior of a plant transpiring brings their body temperature down and shields the sun. It's life and death and they specialise in survival, leave them if you can and don't see much damage, be gone when it's cooler or fire go. Smoke will remove them possibly, burn a big joint next to the plant smoke them out.
This is by far the MOST fkd up post I've ever read on here in years! Hahahaha OMG ! I'd sh*t a brick if this was mine. I'd kill em and never grow outdoors again. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little looking at that first picture. Jezzzz. KILL THEM ALL PLANTS INCLUDED.
Can’t blame them, I would try that too if I could find a bud big enough for a 6 foot guy.
Yellow jackets suck ass. Those fuckers are just plain mean.
White face hornets up here, they will come from across the street to get ya. More so then our yellow jackets, ugly fuckers.
Fun fact that I learned as a teen. Bees that make honey near an avocado tree, make avocado flavored honey. Bees near an orange tree, make orange flavored honey. True as for other fruits. I wonder if the bees are making dank flavored honey?
Fun fact that I learned as a teen. Bees that make honey near an avocado tree, make avocado flavored honey. Bees near an orange tree, make orange flavored honey. True as for other fruits. I wonder if the bees are making dank flavored honey?
Neighbor brought a hive in this year so he could have apple honey from his apple trees in his yard, plus they help yield in the veg garden and well...everything with pollen.. pretty amazing, honey bees..
Save the bees!! Not sure if you have taken care of the problem yet but it looks like some of those leaves might have spider mites.
Fun fact that I learned as a teen. Bees that make honey near an avocado tree, make avocado flavored honey. Bees near an orange tree, make orange flavored honey. True as for other fruits. I wonder if the bees are making dank flavored honey?
Cannabis doesn’t produce nectar because it’s a wind-pollinated flower that doesn’t depend on bees or other pollinators. That would be awesome, tho!
Wow that's crazy. They look like bees, not wasps, to me. They might be part of a hive that been displaced by the wildfires? I would think they'd move along within a day or two to look for a new hive location? Or might even belong to someone. Might want to call a local beekeeper (bee entomologist?) if they don't move along soon? Pretty wild though! Bzzzz
It’s been hot like 105-109 for the past Week so I’m not sure if it’s that or what. We also have a ton of wildfires leaving smoke and ash all over. I turned on my water and came to to these little fuckers burying themselves in my PCK!!!
That's something I've never seen before. I watch my budding plants probably way to many hours a day, than I should. Yes bees always buzz around, but fly far away after the taste a trichomes or 2. It could BEE (no pun intended) that a hive might have been there dormant through the winter. And. Ya planted by a freaking hornets nest.
My suggestions would be find the bee, wasp, honey bee, what the fuckin ever bee hive closest to ya plants. And the powder bomb the hive wi Diatomaceous Earth.. They won't be able to survive that.. :peace: :blsmoke: