Before you do anything - Read this!


Active Member
Ten years ago it was harder to get good information on how to grow, what to buy, etc.
If your like most people when you decide to grow we as humans tend to jump into whatever were doing quickly without any research.

I had to wait over a month to get The Marijuana Grow Bible - it was on back order. I figured I had enough knowledge to go ahead and get started so I made the mistake of beginning without doing any research.
When I finally got the book I found I had bought lighting that was poor at best. I even bought a Mercury Vapor bulb and ballast to run it only to find it is very poorly rated for lumens for the price I was paying for eletricity.

The bottoom line is this:

READ, READ, READ... I'M NO expert by any means - Too many people give out advice that isn't exactly correct.

1. Figure out what your going to be growing. Try and find out which plants are easy to grow for your area. I have a few strains that are so sensitive it seems only a master grower can make them yield
enough to suit my needs. The heartier the plant strain the better your odds are in gaining success.
2. Read up on the best way to light it up for your budjet. I'm still using some old 400 and 1000 watt ballasts to supplement 3 digital ballasts (much less heat).
3. Try avoiding buying things that are out of date. In these times things seem to be ever changing. I'm waiting for prices and efficiency to improve on LED's before buying a ton of them.
4. Be careful to use the correct amount for your nutrients - During my early years I used the old addage - More is better. It's NOT! I was putting in 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive per gallon
of water. Hey, the stuff is great so a little more should make it grow like crazy right? - Not! I have a lifetime supply of Superthive now because I bought a gallon of it and now I stick to
the instructions of just 1 drop per gallon.

Have a fun time not a nightmare trying to figure out where you went wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ten years ago it was harder to get good information on how to grow, what to buy, etc.
If your like most people when you decide to grow we as humans tend to jump into whatever were doing quickly without any research.

I had to wait over a month to get The Marijuana Grow Bible - it was on back order. I figured I had enough knowledge to go ahead and get started so I made the mistake of beginning without doing any research.
When I finally got the book I found I had bought lighting that was poor at best. I even bought a Mercury Vapor bulb and ballast to run it only to find it is very poorly rated for lumens for the price I was paying for eletricity.

The bottoom line is this:

READ, READ, READ... I'M NO expert by any means - Too many people give out advice that isn't exactly correct.

1. Figure out what your going to be growing. Try and find out which plants are easy to grow for your area. I have a few strains that are so sensitive it seems only a master grower can make them yield
enough to suit my needs. The heartier the plant strain the better your odds are in gaining success.
2. Read up on the best way to light it up for your budjet. I'm still using some old 400 and 1000 watt ballasts to supplement 3 digital ballasts (much less heat).
3. Try avoiding buying things that are out of date. In these times things seem to be ever changing. I'm waiting for prices and efficiency to improve on LED's before buying a ton of them.
4. Be careful to use the correct amount for your nutrients - During my early years I used the old addage - More is better. It's NOT! I was putting in 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive per gallon
of water. Hey, the stuff is great so a little more should make it grow like crazy right? - Not! I have a lifetime supply of Superthive now because I bought a gallon of it and now I stick to
the instructions of just 1 drop per gallon.

Have a fun time not a nightmare trying to figure out where you went wrong.
lol i agree with this
new growers.
dont take one persons idea and run with it, say you got a defiency. you finally see someone on here lacking in some nitrogen or something, research before you decide to piss on your plants or something
here ya go
(copy and paste that into your browser)


Well-Known Member
Ten years ago it was harder to get good information on how to grow, what to buy, etc.
If your like most people when you decide to grow we as humans tend to jump into whatever were doing quickly without any research.

I had to wait over a month to get The Marijuana Grow Bible - it was on back order. I figured I had enough knowledge to go ahead and get started so I made the mistake of beginning without doing any research.
When I finally got the book I found I had bought lighting that was poor at best. I even bought a Mercury Vapor bulb and ballast to run it only to find it is very poorly rated for lumens for the price I was paying for eletricity.

The bottoom line is this:

READ, READ, READ... I'M NO expert by any means - Too many people give out advice that isn't exactly correct.

1. Figure out what your going to be growing. Try and find out which plants are easy to grow for your area. I have a few strains that are so sensitive it seems only a master grower can make them yield
enough to suit my needs. The heartier the plant strain the better your odds are in gaining success.
2. Read up on the best way to light it up for your budjet. I'm still using some old 400 and 1000 watt ballasts to supplement 3 digital ballasts (much less heat).
3. Try avoiding buying things that are out of date. In these times things seem to be ever changing. I'm waiting for prices and efficiency to improve on LED's before buying a ton of them.
4. Be careful to use the correct amount for your nutrients - During my early years I used the old addage - More is better. It's NOT! I was putting in 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive per gallon
of water. Hey, the stuff is great so a little more should make it grow like crazy right? - Not! I have a lifetime supply of Superthive now because I bought a gallon of it and now I stick to
the instructions of just 1 drop per gallon.

Have a fun time not a nightmare trying to figure out where you went wrong.
On the other hand, pot grows wild with water, light and the nutrients it gets from the soil. KISS. You don't have to collect a big grow system to start enjoying growing pot. A little planter, some good potting soil (they make this great Black Gold now just for seedlings) and a 55 TRUE watt CFL will get a plant going. The rest? It just keeps on coming. I'm well over 60, smoked my first in Texas in 1963 and have been growing it since 1964. I learn new stuff daily.

What to get growing? Do like I suggest. Read on CFL and buy the closest you can at Lowes or HD to match your job.


hey srh88, how do i make that grow bible link work. I copy and parte it but i can't figure out whatt to click on when i get to that page. Any help would be awesome man. Thx.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ten years ago it was harder to get good information on how to grow, what to buy, etc.
If your like most people when you decide to grow we as humans tend to jump into whatever were doing quickly without any research.

I had to wait over a month to get The Marijuana Grow Bible - it was on back order. I figured I had enough knowledge to go ahead and get started so I made the mistake of beginning without doing any research.
When I finally got the book I found I had bought lighting that was poor at best. I even bought a Mercury Vapor bulb and ballast to run it only to find it is very poorly rated for lumens for the price I was paying for eletricity.

The bottoom line is this:

READ, READ, READ... I'M NO expert by any means - Too many people give out advice that isn't exactly correct.

1. Figure out what your going to be growing. Try and find out which plants are easy to grow for your area. I have a few strains that are so sensitive it seems only a master grower can make them yield
enough to suit my needs. The heartier the plant strain the better your odds are in gaining success.
2. Read up on the best way to light it up for your budjet. I'm still using some old 400 and 1000 watt ballasts to supplement 3 digital ballasts (much less heat).
3. Try avoiding buying things that are out of date. In these times things seem to be ever changing. I'm waiting for prices and efficiency to improve on LED's before buying a ton of them.
4. Be careful to use the correct amount for your nutrients - During my early years I used the old addage - More is better. It's NOT! I was putting in 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive per gallon
of water. Hey, the stuff is great so a little more should make it grow like crazy right? - Not! I have a lifetime supply of Superthive now because I bought a gallon of it and now I stick to
the instructions of just 1 drop per gallon.

Have a fun time not a nightmare trying to figure out where you went wrong.
This all seems like common sense to me. Although some people do lack common sense, so good post for the people that don't do research


Well-Known Member
I keep it simple, an incandescant bulb, tin foil for reflection and dryer sheets for odor. Im gonna smoke sooo much good weed and be a ganja god fer sure!!!


Well-Known Member
I keep it simple, an incandescant bulb, tin foil for reflection and dryer sheets for odor. Im gonna smoke sooo much good weed and be a ganja god fer sure!!!
HOLY SHIT... pounds in your future my friend.

make sure you put a picture of the sun in there too so it thinks its outside.. i use this one so it knows it better not become a fucking male


Active Member
Kinetic wrote: "I keep it simple, an incandesant bulb, tin foil for reflection and dryer sheets for odor. I'm gonna smoke sooo much good weed and be a ganja god fer sure!!!

"No problem with keeping it simple that for sure!"

One thing for you if you don't already know - use the side of foil that is not shiny. The way I understand it, flat white paint is possibly the best reflector.


Well-Known Member
Kinetic wrote: "I keep it simple, an incandesant bulb, tin foil for reflection and dryer sheets for odor. I'm gonna smoke sooo much good weed and be a ganja god fer sure!!!
"No problem with keeping it simple that for sure!"

One thing for you if you don't already know - use the side of foil that is not shiny. The way I understand it, flat white paint is possibly the best reflector.
Methinks the lad is joking?


Active Member
I keep it simple, an incandescant bulb, tin foil for reflection and dryer sheets for odor. Im gonna smoke sooo much good weed and be a ganja god fer sure!!!
Even if this is a joke(which I hope to god it is)shame on you. This is a forum for new growers who don't know about growing and if anyone read this and followed this advice it would be tragic.
Why would you even post that? Let's help people grow with good solid advice.


Well-Known Member
Shame on me? Ive been around here long enough to know what the site is for. If someone took this as advice and ran with it then they deserve what they get. NO ONE should rely on one source, especially the internet, in undertaking this or anyother endevour.

george xxx

Active Member
Shame on me? NO ONE should rely on one source, especially the internet, in undertaking this or anyother endevour.
100% correct made so by posts like yours.

Unfortunately there are too many people out there who want to believe someone would not deliberately post misleading information.


Well-Known Member
Even if this is a joke(which I hope to god it is)shame on you. This is a forum for new growers who don't know about growing and if anyone read this and followed this advice it would be tragic.
Why would you even post that? Let's help people grow with good solid advice.
man you just dont respect a good setup lol


Well-Known Member
Even if this is a joke(which I hope to god it is)shame on you. This is a forum for new growers who don't know about growing and if anyone read this and followed this advice it would be tragic.
Why would you even post that? Let's help people grow with good solid advice.
Aw c'mon, man. If somebody is silly enough to go do that after reading one post they deserve to smoke dog crap.


Well-Known Member
this guys gonna yield tons


Well-Known Member
that book is for sale just buy t off amazon jorge deserves what little money he gets from that bookthe damn thing is almost 2 inches thik and worth its wieght in gold
first book i bought before i started growing and even the worst genetics I've had turn out good