Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Lol u needa do history research, its not just 1 ancient people that have that story, the Egyptians, Greeks Romans Hopi Indian along with ajmost all native american tribes , Mayans Aztecs, they all have the same story, slight differences but if u really look at it.. all the same, Christianity gets such a bad rap cuz Christianity has brought more violence and hanus crimes to this world than any other religion put together, more murders n killings than any other religion put together all in the name of God and Jesus christ... again no your history ( not the bullshit they teach u in school, like Christopher Columbia discovered the Americas)
Alright I see my post offended you a great deal, I'm sorry lol.

They do have alot of proof, but guess what.
So do Christians if you want to use the drawings and old buildings.
Watch that video blazinkill posted, you will see a Christian religion built buildings that are unexplainable, and they made carvings showing what they say. So why use your argument about saying Christianity doesn't have more proof than the summerians, they had equal proof. They both made drawings and built unbelievable buildings.


Well-Known Member
.... So you believe...

I mean I can say god is the sphagetti flying monster, it doesn't mean that's what it is.

Are you trying to say the world is god? If that's what you're saying then don't say it's god, say it's nature.
No. Everything is god, to me. But everything is SOMETHING together, weather or not you want to call it god. You may call it the "universe" or you may have your own idea. But it is real.


Well-Known Member
Now there another qote God made us in his own image again reading it proporly from the Christian Bible it says gods created us in their own image. Ever think that it might be literal, we go from monkey to human almost instantly without any link, hence the missing link, now in the creation story ( Sumerian and many others alike) they said beings came from the sky and made us from the species already living here(monkey ape whatever) so here we have humans, now u find evidence of mating between humans and these other beings creating what we call demigods, Jesus would be 1 of these, Hercules is another well known and there are many others, even the Christian Bible states angels thought human women to be beautifully and had sexual relations with them. There's all kinds of proof around u u just need to open hour eyes n look at the bigger picture or all the story's as a whole instead of just listening to one story. Police work dude, cops don't just ask 1 whiteness for all the details but take details from every one they possibly can to get the right picture
I see the huge picture dude. I was joking when I said all they have is drawings. Jeez, Christians have the same proof. Why are you talking about how people came about? I never said they came about a certain way, I never said anything about evolution. But cool insight, it makes alot of sense (no sarcasm).


Well-Known Member
No. Everything is god, to me. But everything is SOMETHING together, weather or not you want to call it god. You may call it the "universe" or you may have your own idea. But it is real.
Lol I know the universe is real, but how is that relevant to what we are discussing?
Yup, my mind was just blown, lol.
Pretty awesome video dude. But the problem I see with it is that our ancestors called them angels, angels that helped them worship god. Obviously our ancestors knew more about angels or other unknown forces then we do today. My problem is that those archeologist are selfish enough to say our ancestors didn't know what they were talking about when they said they were angels. The archeologist say they weren't angels but ET beings, how can they be so ignorant to what our ancestors were trying to tell us. Honestly all this does is further my belief in god. The archeologist are a bunch of skeptics that aren't open minded enough to believe what the ancestors said about them being angels. I mean our ancestors drew the angels, and the angels looked very human not like some weird creature. And why do the archeologist automatically assume angels didn't have badass space crafts? I know that sounds crazy but we are talking about religion here, lol.

I'm saying what if what our ancestors were telling the truth and the archeologists are leading us astray from the truth? I would rather believe our ancestors that had alot more experience than our modern day archeologist that don't know shit.

But still awesome video, and I love seeing videos that leave more questions than answers.
In ww2 we used an island and a landing strip, the inhabitance had never seen modern man and n airplane, when we wee there we gave them food and supplies to keep them happy then we packed up and left, they were building mock airplanes Outa draw and grass praying to them that their gods would come back and shower them with gifts, this is only 60 yrs ago people, and they thought Americans and a b-52 bomber were gods... ancient man seeing a spaceship would do the same damn thing... and they did hence why we have all these drawings and storys. Logic....


Well-Known Member
He's suggesting that god is a being that would have wiped us out for being bad, but since he didn't wipe us out he doesn't exist.
Well he is right in his end result. But wrong in his logic. God does not exist as a "being". But it's not simply because he hasn't wiped us out. What if god is murder? or death? or life? And we just haven't discovered that. What if he is nothing? I mean, god is just a word to describe something we can't understand. God is real, because the word "god" is just a confusing way to describe "everything" in most religions.


Well-Known Member
Sad more people do not think in such a manner.
In ww2 we used an island and a landing strip, the inhabitance had never seen modern man and n airplane, when we wee there we gave them food and supplies to keep them happy then we packed up and left, they were building mock airplanes Outa draw and grass praying to them that their gods would come back and shower them with gifts, this is only 60 yrs ago people, and they thought Americans and a b-52 bomber were gods... ancient man seeing a spaceship would do the same damn thing... and they did hence why we have all these drawings and storys. Logic....
What you or your religion considers God is one big misunderstanding, regardless of what happened.


Well-Known Member
Now there another qote God made us in his own image again reading it proporly from the Christian Bible it says gods created us in their own image. Ever think that it might be literal, we go from monkey to human almost instantly without any link, hence the missing link, now in the creation story ( Sumerian and many others alike) they said beings came from the sky and made us from the species already living here(monkey ape whatever) so here we have humans, now u find evidence of mating between humans and these other beings creating what we call demigods, Jesus would be 1 of these, Hercules is another well known and there are many others, even the Christian Bible states angels thought human women to be beautifully and had sexual relations with them. There's all kinds of proof around u u just need to open hour eyes n look at the bigger picture or all the story's as a whole instead of just listening to one story. Police work dude, cops don't just ask 1 whiteness for all the details but take details from every one they possibly can to get the right picture
I'm not Christian, if that is what you are assuming. That is my description of "Almighty God". My gods are Pan Shiva Agni Ra-Atum and Mut. My "Almighty god" is just a description of the universe working together. Your aliens fucking our ancestors thing is possible, but THAT is a weird interpretation of the bible. What I was doing was not "interpreting the bible wrong" that was just my own thinking.


Well-Known Member
I think "aliens" existing & manipulating the human species for whatever reasons is more likely than a God.. if not, more believable.


Well-Known Member
In ww2 we used an island and a landing strip, the inhabitance had never seen modern man and n airplane, when we wee there we gave them food and supplies to keep them happy then we packed up and left, they were building mock airplanes Outa draw and grass praying to them that their gods would come back and shower them with gifts, this is only 60 yrs ago people, and they thought Americans and a b-52 bomber were gods... ancient man seeing a spaceship would do the same damn thing... and they did hence why we have all these drawings and storys. Logic....
So you guys let them worship y'all and let them believe y'all were gods? Man that's fucked up lol.

Besides you didn't come down from "the heavens" to help build unbelievable buildings for these people.


Well-Known Member
I think "aliens" existing & manipulating the human species for whatever reasons is more likely than a God.. if not, more believable.
God in most Pagan ways is just an observation of what ACTUALLY happens in nature, and the sky. The alien thing is just assumptions. Most "gods" are real.


Well-Known Member
What? All pegans aside now what.. over 100 billion billion planets estimated in the universe & life is an assumption?

God in most Pagan ways is just an observation of what ACTUALLY happens in nature, and the sky. The alien thing is just assumptions. Most "gods" are real.
I see the huge picture dude. I was joking when I said all they have is drawings. Jeez, Christians have the same proof. Why are you talking about how people came about? I never said they came about a certain way, I never said anything about evolution. But cool insight, it makes alot of se]
well I think wat what point is is were talking about God, I think ancient people mistook more advance beings as being god and that's why we get the whole God created man in his image, but I think that God is litterally a higher being or energy force we are not able to I donno see hear feel, but as a scociety we think as God as our literal creators, as in God made us human not these higher beings ancients are talking about


Well-Known Member
Well he is right in his end result. But wrong in his logic. God does not exist as a "being". But it's not simply because he hasn't wiped us out. What if god is murder? or death? or life? And we just haven't discovered that. What if he is nothing? I mean, god is just a word to describe something we can't understand. God is real, because the word "god" is just a confusing way to describe "everything" in most religions.
Within this post^^^ me and you are on the same page. So I would like to acknowledge that.

But it also brings up another argument that god does not mean everything. But that is a whole other argument and it would not be suitable for this thread. If you wish I will debate about that over another thread specifically made for your belief or over pm. But our beliefs about what god is has nothing to do with this thread.


Well-Known Member
Imagine how the worlds top scientists feel about the rest of the population.. probably feels hopeless.. o_O
I see the huge picture dude. I was joking when I said all they have is drawings. Jeez, Christians have the same proof. Why are you talking about how people came about? I never said they came about a certain way, I never said anything about evolution. But cool insight, it makes alot of se]
well I think wat what point is is were talking about God, I think ancient people mistook more advance beings as being god and that's why we get the whole God created man in his image, but I think that God is litterally a higher being or energy force we are not able to I donno see hear feel, but as a scociety we think as God as our literal creators, as in God made us human not these higher beings ancients are talking about


Well-Known Member
Huh?! Who called them angels... ? some called them monsters, some called them gods, & some called them faeries... who cares.. ?
They called these aliens angels. Why would they call them angels and not acknowledge them as other worldly beings?
you refer to christianity as if it is correct or has any more legitimacy than any other religions/cultures.. Christianity is as confused/wrong as the next religion


Well-Known Member
I see the huge picture dude. I was joking when I said all they have is drawings. Jeez, Christians have the same proof. Why are you talking about how people came about? I never said they came about a certain way, I never said anything about evolution. But cool insight, it makes alot of se]
well I think wat what point is is were talking about God, I think ancient people mistook more advance beings as being god and that's why we get the whole God created man in his image, but I think that God is litterally a higher being or energy force we are not able to I donno see hear feel, but as a scociety we think as God as our literal creators, as in God made us human not these higher beings ancients are talking about
What put it in their minds that these aliens were our creators? The only explanation for that is that one alien was fucking around and was like "I am your father", lol.