Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
me and many other members on here have corrected you on so many different points , but you choose to ignore the evidence , its pointless arguing with you , untill you grasp the basics ..............
It's pretty sad I have to quote you on exactly what I'm referring to.

Alright this evidence. You say I choose to ignore it. Ignore what? Show me what I am ignoring. What basics?
I'm sorry but I can't ask any more clear, so please think really hard and answer.


Well-Known Member
lol you don't know how old I am, I'm guessing you're around 12. I went through a little pissed phase like you when I was around that age.

Umm where did you get off thinking I'm fat? Lol..

And the Mexican thing is just racist, wow dude I hope a fat Mexican kicks your ass, ha.

And where did you get the idea I don't grow?

Am I any more pathetic than you? I mean your the guy that stalks me, lol.
Haha yes I'm a combat vet and im 12 years old. You got me guess that makes me the baddest mother fucking 12 year old you ever knew huh.
Saying your a fat Mexican is racist?? umm what?? Since when it saying Fat Mexican racists lol. Thats not even insulting its simply describes your body type and your nationality. I think you should go educated you self there smart one.
Show me one plant you grew hahaha you cant. Because it doesn't exist.And i did say that YOU grew not one you will steal off another website ;)
if you consider me commenting on one of you post every 3-5 weeks stalking. Well then child what the hell does that make you responding to my posts?? lol...

You are pathetic i know it, you know it, your mom knows it, and now RIU knows it :-D

Oh btw haha your the one that posted your 18 in another thread here let me look it up for you :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
it's pretty sad i have to quote you on exactly what i'm referring to.

Alright this evidence. You say i choose to ignore it. Ignore what? Show me what i am ignoring. What basics?
I'm sorry but i can't ask any more clear, so please think really hard and answer.
wtf are you going on about ?


Well-Known Member
Haha yes I'm a combat vet and im 12 years old. You got me guess that makes me the baddest mother fucking 12 year old you ever knew huh.
Saying your a fat Mexican is racist?? umm what?? Since when it saying Fat Mexican racists lol. Thats not even insulting its simply describes your body type and your nationality. I think you should go educated you self there smart one.
Show me one plant you grew hahaha you cant. Because it doesn't exist.And i did say that YOU grew not one you will steal off another website ;)
if you consider me commenting on one of you post every 3-5 weeks stalking. Well then child what the hell does that make you responding to my posts?? lol...

You are pathetic i know it, you know it, your mom knows it, and now RIU knows it :-D

Oh btw haha your the one that posted your 18 in another thread here let me look it up for you :)
Alright I take back what I said. You're just very immature, which is worse than just being 12.
Yes saying I'm a fat Mexican is racist in the way you use it. You used it as an insult. Everything you described me as is a negative, so why assume I'm mexican. You're probably just a closet racist, lol.


Well-Known Member
Alright I take back what I said. You're just very immature, which is worse than just being 12.
Yes saying I'm a fat Mexican is racist in the way you use it. You used it as an insult. Everything you described me as is a negative, so why assume I'm mexican. You're probably just a closet racist, lol.
No its not lol you cant buy beer when your 12..
No im very open with it ;) should see the lower case t in my front yard. Hinting intruders "its time to leave"


Well-Known Member
You are totaly stupid you just go around in circles , im going to bed its completely pointless arguing with you , you completely skip points , and ignore evidence , there is no point in arguing with you , im still waiting for the evidence your god exists , when we have gone over this point , i will give you the evidence a horse exists .
BULLSHIT!!! i demand this evidence NOW!!!


Well-Known Member
Ehh arguing with a bunch of dumbasses (sutra and sativa). All you guys have is childish insults and false evidence.