

Never grew weed before but i always smoke the chronic of the chronic.. Im a very big fan of PK, so one day while stocking up on some of my medicine, at my local compassion center, I saw they had clones for sale and decided, "Shiit why not..lets get one" They told me to "stop watching her" in 56 days, So i figure thats when she would be ready to flower, Im guessing. I've never had a baby, so idk wtf im doing..but hey, it was love at first sight lol.. I named her Bella.
So on my way home, i stopped by home depot and bought some stuff for her to be a little bit more comfortable than the ziplock baggie she came in. A pot, some soil, some sticky sticks and a 150 watt compact flourscent daylight that i kept plugged into the socket on the fan above my stove..I kept her there for a while, transplanted her once, then realized she was even gettting to big to have on my stove..shes almost touching the light.
So i was going some research online, reading these forums, and decided to go to my local hydroponic store. I told them I only had 1 baby and that i might clone her, but i wanted her to flower aswell. They directed me to a tent, that they said would be perfect for bella. It was a DR40.. It was a 4 ft tent, with 4, 4ft T5 56 watt flourecents posted to each post, with a 4 inch inline fan at the top. They told me with this set up, i dont need to change the lights when I want her to flower, all I need is to change the time.
Bella has been in there for 16 days with 18 hrs lgiht 6 hrs darkness and seems to be loving it. but now shes now 22" im scared shes not guna have enough room to flower, so I just switched my timer today to 12-12
Im posting some pictures so you can see how I started and where im going. Hopefully I can get some positive feedback.
Is she too tall already?
Should I let her get taller?
Will the change of time alone, make her flower?



Well-Known Member
Wow, really cool first setup, alot better than what I started with.

A few things...

Cannabis reproduces (makes flowers) when the amount of daylight hours is 12 hours or less. To make it flower, simply turn the timer so that you get 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. While she is in dark hours, leave her alone. Dont touch the tent, dont poke the tent, dont think about touching or poking the tent (get my point)

From your post, it sounds like you have the right idea but need to study basics, check out this post a ton of newb knowledge.

Also, some of us dont mind helping out, feel free to PM me with questions, I will do the best I can to answer them.



Ok so no pokin or touchin the tent..Gotcha!! So if my tent is 4 ft tall but Bella is already 22" you think i have enough room for her to finnish her cycle?? I jus started the 12-12 yesterday, so im assuming i still have 6-8 weeks left


Well-Known Member
Ok so no pokin or touchin the tent..Gotcha!! So if my tent is 4 ft tall but Bella is already 22" you think i have enough room for her to finnish her cycle?? I jus started the 12-12 yesterday, so im assuming i still have 6-8 weeks left
She potentially could double in height, I would say your right on that cusp.



Well-Known Member
I didnt get anything yet. I dont know what to get :idea:
no worries, it kind of depends on your budget.

Your in soil so I would go with fox farm, since your already in bloom you will only need a few things, shouldnt cost much.

Tiger bloom & big bloom for the liquids. The nice thing about fox farm (ff) is that it is usually available at most garden/hydro stores.

Here is a link to the feeding schedule

Start with a gallon tap water left out over night, then add the nutes to it. Remember to make it at half strength and to feed the nutes every other watering. Water only when the soil is dry, about an inch and a half below the surface.



Hey back, and i need a lil help...bell has been on the 12-12 since feb 7th and im not sure if shes ready for harvest..can u take a look at her updated pics and let me know what you think..thx

