Benghazi Committee Outs CIA source


Well-Known Member
poopypants is this you? Are you masturbating because you got me to reply to you?
Something tells me this isn't really LF.

Is this creepy stalker on LF's account trying to get my attention or something? I mean, I know LF is dumb, but he's not usually this creepy.
I'll stop replying to you now until the real LF shows back up. Some crazy person has taken over your account.

My last words to you will be you are a liar though and it's too easy to prove you are not for anyone else to think you believable.
Complete meltdown.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
and four lives lost in Benghazi.
And there were 241 lives lost in Beirut yet there was 1 hearing or Kobar towers in Africa or the cole in Yemen and you bitch about 4 lives lost? Nice to know you are an avid fan of the right wing echo chamber who are obsessed with Benghazi only to try and discredit Hillary.

The pukes are afraid of Hillary because they can't win the WH with her in the race.

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Well-Known Member
Hillary's cackle is becoming much more frequent. She lost her voice because of it, and starting coughing all over the place while Uncle Tom Cummings was questioning her.


Well-Known Member
She passed the BS trial that it's certainly being seen as. It was BS politics from the beginning. A sign of desperation. They has FU News repeat the word Bengazi many times a day every day in an attempt to make it a common talking point for Americans.

Stupid tactic clearly didn't work and will likely go down in history as a major Republican back-fire

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Other than being corrupt, she has got to be one of the phoniest women alive. And what's ironical is how many still think she's great. Are they nuts, or just plain stupid not to see thru this fake bitch?


Well-Known Member
In the field of alternatives, she's the clear winner. Everyone else is either a Boy Scout or priest


Well-Known Member
So, she's too transparent for your liking?
For me it's what that transparency reveals.

She was for the war when the polls were for the wars, against them when the polls are against them. She has been a puppet for Monsanto, a puppet for Goldman Sachs, people have mysteriously died when crossing the family, lied directly in the face to the parents of the fallen in Benghazi, abused her power and protocol with her server then tried to cover it up and lied several times about it. "I just don't understand this, te hee......" depending on the situation, "I'm pretty tech savvy" depending on the situation.

She's an awful human being and I can only assume her supporters are either really naive or awful people themselves.


Well-Known Member
I don't like her either, never have. But as long as the media focuses on this they won't notice the The trucking industry trying to increase the number of hours Owners/Drivers can operate on public roads in leu of a pay raise.

14M is fodder compared to the savings of the likes of the Kock Bros. will save.