Bernie Sanders 2024

A democratic socialist, to be fair. But we haven’t had even a proper social democrat (there’s a distinction) since Roosevelt. Johnson had the albatross of a disastrous Vietnam policy, and Carter never really went wheels-up.

The US wasn't ready for Carter and his family antics didn't help. Remember Billy Beer? The hostages were already negotiated for but those fcks wouldn't release until he was history will not know.
Georgia is now PURPLE..we're doing a good job with the brain power we have- old and young.

I'm kind of tired of hearing how done you are, based on age.
I know, I'm a terrible person for not wanting leadership who grew up in the "Leave It To Beaver" era, and instead want someone more generationally in touch with our modern day society.

we've already had de facto two female them.
He was kinda down and out the last coupla years. I think that I read Eleanor did the heavy lifting with his consent.
My first and second grade school teacher was their grandson, Ford Roosevelt. He was really an amazing teacher and person. Probably the best teacher I ever had. He was invited to meet with Reagan in office, and the kids in class all got to write letters to Ronnie asking for Jelly Beans.
