Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

do you understand the difference between best interest and self interest ?

I do. I've tried explaining that to Foggy a few times but he rejects the notion. Now he seems to be agreeing with that in an effort to defend his more recent hypocrisy.

I can dig up the exchanges if you'd like...
I do. I've tried explaining that to Foggy a few times but he rejects the notion. Now he seems to be agreeing with that in an effort to defend his more recent hypocrisy.

I can dig up the exchanges if you'd like...
So you understand that you can vote in your self interest and it could be against your best interest . You do understand that right ???
I do. I've tried explaining that to Foggy a few times but he rejects the notion. Now he seems to be agreeing with that in an effort to defend his more recent hypocrisy.

I can dig up the exchanges if you'd like...
Oh that. We talked about that earlier too. Yes, I mixed up the terms in a post or two but we straightened it out.

Voters always vote in their own self interest. Always.
Is this where you bring up your butt hurt over Clinton beating Bernie the sheepdog?

But really, you should move on. Bernie is doing great things that will further a policy that we both want to get done. I'd rather work with Bernie's supporters when we find agreement. Such as his agreement with most if not all Democrats that the supreme court ruling in favor of the Citizen's United lawsuit was against the best interests of this country.

oh, now you support Sanders. bashing in one breath..supporting the next, all within the same post. make up your mind dr jeckyll.
In fairness to Foggy, he was much younger when he made that comment. He posted that a month ago
actually, I think I can just about guarantee that I'll mix up some words in the future too.

Can we agree that people always vote in their self interest but it may not always turn out to be in their best interests?
you mean trump principles to live by?
so you don't understand how one can vote in his/her self interest, but it is against his or her best interest ? Can't blame that all on Trump. Humans are some strange ass creatures. Some are even very stupid. Some spend a whole year promoting a candidate and never even cast a vote for said individual...ever
Can we agree that people always vote in their self interest but it may not always turn out to be in their best interests?

Yes, I agree with that.

Will you now agree that some people, while voting in their own self interest, voted against their own best interests when they voted for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries?

You gave me quite a bit of shit over that when I said it
Oh that. We talked about that earlier too. Yes, I mixed up the terms in a post or two but we straightened it out.

Voters always vote in their own self interest. Always.
Not necessarily true, seeing as I've read of more than a few people that voted for Trump knowing that he was going to eliminate Obamacare, a program that saved their lives.
Explain that if you can, because I can't.
But I guess they would drink the Kool Aid for Donnie boy, simply to #MAGA.