Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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@londonfog dont forget to talk more black in your posts bc telling you to That you aren’t speaking black enough isn’t racist or anything....

these dudes are clowns and have been since I joined years ago. It’s the same 5 people saying the same things over and over and over for years now lol oh and btw I’m racist bc I’m from the south. Just wanted to throw that out to ya before they could beat me to it!:mrgreen:
Neither do I. But when an alert comes in with a personal insult and a lie...

Anyway, you were quick enough to make light of a deadly pandemic when it was still funny almost a month ago so I figured you liked troll stuff.
I got the jim beamvirus this weekend. I made a full recovery
I got the jim beamvirus this weekend. I made a full recovery

Lady Napsalot and I have had the flu for the last 3 days- I've been treating it with 100proof bourbon to fairly good effect

This morning m'lady expressed an uncommon desire for biscuits and gravy, which led us to a local eatery typically frequented by right-wing types. Upon our entry, I was immediately presented with a table of old assholes wearing MAGA caps, who I addressed personally, feigning solidarity and shaking hands
while infecting them
@londonfog dont forget to talk more black in your posts bc telling you to That you aren’t speaking black enough isn’t racist or anything....

these dudes are clowns and have been since I joined years ago. It’s the same 5 people saying the same things over and over and over for years now lol oh and btw I’m racist bc I’m from the south. Just wanted to throw that out to ya before they could beat me to it!:mrgreen:
Which 5? Just curious.
Lady Napsalot and I have had the flu for the last 3 days- I've been treating it with 100proof bourbon to fairly good effect

This morning m'lady expressed an uncommon desire for biscuits and gravy, which led us to a local eatery typically frequented by right-wing types. Upon our entry, I was immediately presented with a table of old assholes wearing MAGA caps, who I addressed personally, feigning solidarity and shaking hands
while infecting them

they give out free flu shots everywhere, why didn't you get one?

those old fvcks probably had one..but good try!
Hahaha Bernie running away with it!
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Yeah because he has been getting special help while running for President the last 5 years.
]Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 1.38.11 PM.png

It's a shame he didn't have the moral fortitude to warn the minority communities (and every other community) that they were being cat fished by Russians spreading fear and hate of the Democratic party members who have been fighting for their rights against the Republicans (who would strip them of them since they started working the Southern Strategy) for decades.

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I personally find it disgusting that as soon as they knew Trump was POTUS, they started hammering the Latino population with propaganda to make it easy for Bernie to win their support in the early voting states of Texas, Nevada, and California.

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Why do you think minority groups are as dumb as trump supporters? Are you telling them that they are not smart enough to decide who they want to vote for? I was hoping for more intelligence from you...
Yeah, went through this before with a puppet the other day. It is nothing to do with race, humanity is not ready for the sophistication of the tools the Russians have militarized against our electorate.

And it has nothing to do with the Super Delegates being able to tip the balance away from power hungry foreign racists wanting to steal elections by cheating.
Man Bernie gets some big crowds, did you guys see the Nevada win? A landslide, shows Sanders has strong minority support, something we'll need agaisnt trump, looks like he's rallying the black vote too.
So do mega churches every Sunday. Both promise a bunch of shit you won't ever see in this lifetime.

And yes, did you know that the Russians (who are helping Bernie Sanders currently) have been attacking those minority communities for him since at least 2014?
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It is pretty crappy he has left us all out to dry. Well until he gets elected of course, then he will put his foot down.
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