
Well-Known Member
and what does Trump care about ?

Money, something America has to pay for quite some time. If you need to generate a positive cash flow, ...than you don`t want to elect a History buff, you want to elect the money man.

If you chase away businesses, you end up costing everyone to buy from waaaaay over there instead. The company thrives, the consumer pays. Trump don`t like that. It how one fails.

He also likes blondes.


Well-Known Member
I think all us here at RIU are in general agreement that all of the choices for potus this election year suck. NONE of them are worth a shit. I cant believe any of them are popular. None of them are real leaders. The choices arent worth a damn.

The system is set up to nominate by delegates, nobody else stands a chance to get nominated until Donald came along and forced his way in, he couldn`t do it any other way or if he was the failure you seem to think the billionaire is.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt matter what clinton is about....nor trump. To be honest i dont think he even knows. Hes just feeding on emotions and portrays himself as an outsider. Conservative or liberal....Republican or Democrat he is not. Personally....the dude kinda freaks me out. He will have the launch codes to our nuclear arsenal...i dont like that. Doesnt matter. None of it matters. Its all charades. Clinton will be our President. Whether you i or God above likes it or not....thats the truth.

He does not portray himself as an outsider, he is an outsider, unless you can name a political career he once had, or maybe an Office elected into.


Well-Known Member
It will help the GOP. Are you that dense that you can't understand ?

Trump, Bernie, Cruz, Hillary,.... What`s wrong with that line-up ? Instead of picking out of two, we pick out of four. That nullifies donor influences. Nobody but the People get what they want. Corruption is why you wont see that happen. If Trump is not nominated, you will see that happen.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will be president about as much as Bernie Sanders will be. Its not going to happen. Hope all you want. Sounds good. But sorry. Clinton has it. Everyone deep down knows it. More of the same ole bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Only Donald changes everything, so go vote accordingly.
Donald is just feeding the racist and the bigots of America. Hating Mexican, Muslims and "wanting to take out country back " is all Trump is about. You need to ask yourself why do you support this. very telling


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump will be president about as much as Bernie Sanders will be. Its not going to happen. Hope all you want. Sounds good. But sorry. Clinton has it. Everyone deep down knows it. More of the same ole bullshit.

So being in the lead is no longer a good indication ? Because you say so don`t fly.


Well-Known Member
He would be alot better off if he would of kept his mouth shut in a few instances when his campaign started picking up. He popped off with some retarded bullshit that turned alot of people off. He doesnt know when to shut his trapper.


Well-Known Member
Donald is just feeding the racist and the bigots of America. Hating Mexican, Muslims and "wanting to take out country back " is all Trump is about. You need to ask yourself why do you support this. very telling

Because I don`t see anything racist about Donald. It wasn`t until he ran for Office that these racist comments appear, his whole life he never had you call him that. That`s how you surround lies with time. Time and lies can`t stand each other.


Well-Known Member
Years from now they will play some of his speech rhetoric and some old news clips and your going to say to yourself.....what the fuck was i thinking. Believe that.


Well-Known Member
He would be alot better off if he would of kept his mouth shut in a few instances when his campaign started picking up. He popped off with some retarded bullshit that turned alot of people off. He doesnt know when to shut his trapper.

He didn`t turn nobody off or he would not be the popular. I would like to see the kind of limitations put on immigrants that they put on us. If blue socks deteriorate feet, don`t wear blue socks. A life lesson you haven`t learned yet.


Well-Known Member
He didn`t turn nobody off or he would not be the popular. I would like to see the kind of limitations put on immigrants that they put on us. If blue socks deteriorate feet, don`t wear blue socks. A life lesson you haven`t learned yet.
Ok. Your rite ....iam wrong....go Trump. Lol