Best Cat Toy Ever


Well-Known Member
Bengals are cool.
They are spotted if memory serves? I can see myself gounf full on crazy cat lady in time.

Oh well, they are good company.

They do get jealous and shit though.

The calico will wander in for some attention and catch that white bitch in my lap and literally runs out of the room all indignant like.
You're already a crazy cat lady my friend. Knowing their personalities n' shit.

and yes Bengals are spotted. Except for Norm, He's only spotted on his belly. Tabby stripes on the back. 18 pounds of attitude.


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
The one on my junk is a girl.
she was bottle fed so she is very lovely dovey.
I bottle fed mine, their feral mother was killed and if it wasn't for me they would have starved to death. They follow me around like a dog would, and cry for me when we are separated.


Well-Known Member
I bottle fed mine, their feral mother was killed and if it wasn't for me they would have starved to death. They follow me around like a dog would, and cry for me when we are separated.
We have one like that.
the grey one follows my kid around and howls sooo loud.

He's like "dude, dude, dude, lets go in the woods! Dude!. Add infinitum


Well-Known Member
I bottle fed mine, their feral mother was killed and if it wasn't for me they would have starved to death. They follow me around like a dog would, and cry for me when we are separated.
That settles it then. I was Joan Crawford when I tried nursing Norman. He tries to get away from us all.


Well-Known Member
You're already a crazy cat lady my friend. Knowing their personalities n' shit.

and yes Bengals are spotted. Except for Norm, He's only spotted on his belly. Tabby stripes on the back. 18 pounds of attitude.

He looks spry for a cat that big.