best cfl for clones these are my plants vegged under t5's. do your plants look like that? no, i didn't think so. you know why? its because you keep telling yourselves that cfl's arn't a waste of money. as they great judge judy once said "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining". i got a bunch of mine for $100/unit used off of craigslist. how much have you spent to buy all the cfl bulbs and sockets?

This clown is all over the forum bashing the internet, anyone that grows with CFL's, and showing a thread that doesn't have any buds in it and pictures of what appear to be 2-3 different rooms with different setups. Hmmm. Could they be pictures you got from your buddies? Stay away from this clown. He's toxic!!

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Go ahead look at my post over the entire time I've been in here. Tell me what u find ? I don't troll like some people
as i said i'm not calling him a bad grower. we disagree on efficient use of funds.

ok n i think ur still wrong then (cuz he has like 3 plants)...i bet if we go 1plant on 1 plant same strain u use t5 n i use cfl...ill grow just as much as u and spend less money doing so... and ill use only 2 cfls...if i use 3 ill yield more then you, but if we go 10 plants vs. 10 plants with the same strain. you would win with T5 lights...this has been proven over and over again lol...oh btw i know ur about to bash me about how there is no way i can beat you 1 on1 with 2 cfls...think,there are better cfls to use then the ones u by at home depot, you can get 300 watt cfls for 40$ at my local hydro shop.
I kind of figured he was trolling when he started trying to compare plants..saying his was the size of mine at one week of veg.
what do you grow poision ivy? who cares what size his plants ? besides those look pretty compact to me not evryone wants a stretchy plant like yours. as far as CFL goes its a great light yeah T5 or MH is a little better but it just depends on what the grower can afford i use cfl snd i use t5 and i would say both are pretty equal but t5 is better top lighting than cfl

Get him Poly!!! That dude is in like 15 arguments in 5 different threads right now. Don't even waste your time. He just told me he can outgrow anyone on RIU; that the majority of us don't know shit; and that he is about to revolutionize this forum in the comming months because he is the most knowledgeable member and has decided to fix all the bullshit information that is being passed around.

Hold on man!! The PROPHET is here. LMAO!!
yep and your the douche who is going to try and tell the jews they should say in egypt. you keep talking about three different room and this and that. what are you talking about. anyone who isn't clearly dyslexic cans see their are two rooms and one set of 5 plants. what is so hard about this for you? people like you hold everyone back with your close mindedness and why i would advise the aspiring grower to get off this site in all honestly. my iq gets worse by the minute
I actually hope this jackass keeps arguing. I'm getting +rep left and right from it.
yo fuck the rep meter. lol its like medals given out in the special Olympics. they dont mean anything. they're just supposed to make stupid people feel good about themselves. apparently it's working. maybe you should get some t-shirts made stating how much "rep" you have on an internet forum and see if anyone gives a fuck XD
yo fuck the rep meter. lol its like medals given out in the special Olympics. they dont mean anything. they're just supposed to make stupid people feel good about themselves. apparently it's working. maybe you should get some t-shirts made stating how much "rep" you have on an internet forum and see if anyone gives a fuck XD

This coming from the skidmark kid. They actually do mean something. It let's people know that when I post behind you that your info is horseshit and you don't know dick; that I actually contribute to this site and have helped lots of people. People know that I am here to help and have done so. Everyone knows you are just a little shit who likes to act like a toughguy on the internet. Whatever you have to do to get some validation in life buddy. It is kinda pathetic and I really think your imagination would be better served in one of those online fantasy games like SIMS or something. Get a clue pal...intellectually you aren't even close to my level; as a grower we've already established you suck ass; as a human you are a prime candidate to have your balls cut off to spare the world your seed. That's if you could get laid. Judging by how hard you troll internet forums...I'm guessing it's been a while.
i'll put my plants against yours any day of the week. oh wait your to scared to post your "supposed plants". at least people can see my grow in action from clone to finish. thats the real way to know who's full of shit and i welcome you to follow me closely. look at my grow and keep telling me i'm full of it. ;)
i'll put my plants against yours any day of the week. oh wait your to scared to post your "supposed plants". at least people can see my grow in action from clone to finish. thats the real way to know who's full of shit and i welcome you to follow me closely. look at my grow and keep telling me i'm full of it. ;)

Go away troll. No one is following your grows cause you are an asshole. You talk down to people; you think you know more then anyone; and if someone disagrees with you then you attack them. Plus you're a fucking racist. No one here gives a fuck what you do dude. You come to an internet forum looking for validation in your life or to try and compare grow picks with people to prove you are better. I'm falling out of my chair. You are a skidmark!! We've already proven this in 3 threads with 15 other people agreeing. You are starting to make me wonder if you are even 18. I don't have anymore time for your stupid shit fuckwad. Just go away. RIU has spoken and we don't want your kind here. Your shitty grow journal has 11 posts and 6 of them are yours. Go fuck off.
i think if you really scrutinize all the posts you have been far more inflammatory than anyone here. you even followed me to other unrelated threads to continue the fight. i dont need to validate myself to you. my plants speak for themselves. i act better than everyone because I AM better than everyone here. that's why i came here. to share my methods with you. they are cheap and highly effective. if you don't want to tune in that's fine. i'm not forcing you too. btw i'm glad you finally admitted you think you speak for everyone. regardless even if you did what makes you think i care in the slightest? you are a gnat, buzzing in my ear. i'm sorry i interrupted your circle jerk. oh ya an nigger spick chink honkey wop wetback beaner. like i give a fuck :)