best cfl for clones

I've seen a bunch of research that says that using organic nutes in a hydro system is a waste and that in soil it's basically the same. I mean if you compost your stuff I understand but what I'm talking about is manufactured organic nutes like Humbolt. Since you are breaking down the food to it's trace elements what does it matter if it's organic. I mean, can a nitrogen particle even be organic? Any thoughts you guys?
chemical nutes are chelated using salts and are immediately absorbable by the plant which is how plants get nutrient burn. organic nutrients are chelated naturally by micro organisms in the soil into a form usable by the plant. basically chemical nutrient is an injection in the arm where organic is more like a bowl and spoon. it eats as it needs to. not to start the flame war again but you did call me stupid for thinking they are different from each other so why are you asking for opinions? this is why bottled organic products (such as humboldt nutrients) ARN'T a waste of money and "the same" as chemically chelated nutrients. you talk out of your ass sir
chemical nutes are chelated using salts and are immediately absorbable by the plant which is how plants get nutrient burn. organic nutrients are chelated naturally by micro organisms in the soil into a form usable by the plant. basically chemical nutrient is an injection in the arm where organic is more like a bowl and spoon. it eats as it needs to. not to start the flame war again but you did call me stupid for thinking they are different from each other so why are you asking for opinions? this is why bottled organic products (such as humboldt nutrients) ARN'T a waste of money and "the same" as chemically chelated nutrients. you talk out of your ass sir

u could have disagreeded without saying all the insults
why can u just not get along with people
u could have disagreeded without saying all the insults why can u just not get along with people
dude go look at the post and see who started throwin names first. and i feel i have to because he claimed i was an idiot for not knowing organics and chemicals are the same, which they arnt, something anyone with his claimed knowledge knows. not to mention he followed me to at least two other threads spreading the arguments there.
dude go look at the post and see who started throwin names first. and i feel i have to because he claimed i was an idiot for not knowing organics and chemicals are the same, which they arnt, something anyone with his claimed knowledge knows. not to mention he followed me to at least two other threads spreading the arguments there.

well both u get over it and get back on topic i dont give a shit who started it
if this thread dont get back on track im going to start it and finish it
give advice not hate and that isnt just directed at u ok?
wow all this bullshit ! just for a simpel question cum on guys have a :joint: and learn to love, thanks for the pepz that did give advice and shame on you haters peace !!
I tried to help, check out my thread in my sig. I'm in the veg stage now with cfls from clone

can i ask "with out any name calling lol" why do u have that much room left in ur buckets? looks like u coulda got another gal. or so of soil in um?
can i ask "with out any name calling lol" why do u have that much room left in ur buckets? looks like u coulda got another gal. or so of soil in um?

oh no here we go again
naw just kidding im sure u wont get called names seems like a honest ?
Well I left a little space because I was going to be lst traing them and I didn't want my fan leaves on the dirt while I tie them to the rim of the pots, so I left a little space. I also added a half inch of perlite on top of my soil to prevent any bugs in the future from laying eggs in my soil. Those are 5 gallon buckets btw
chemical nutes are chelated using salts and are immediately absorbable by the plant which is how plants get nutrient burn. organic nutrients are chelated naturally by micro organisms in the soil into a form usable by the plant. basically chemical nutrient is an injection in the arm where organic is more like a bowl and spoon. it eats as it needs to. not to start the flame war again but you did call me stupid for thinking they are different from each other so why are you asking for opinions? this is why bottled organic products (such as humboldt nutrients) ARN'T a waste of money and "the same" as chemically chelated nutrients. you talk out of your ass sir

Organic hydroponics: Is complete nonsense. The 'organic' buzzword is overused and largely misunderstood by the general public. 'Organic' doesn't mean 'good' or 'better.' It means that the material in question is sourced from a biological system. Organic nutrients are, in actual fact, mostly shit. Compost and manures themselves are not assimilable by plants; it's the breakdown components, N, P & K, which plants eat. There's no difference between the N, P & K obtained via organic matter breaking down and that obtained from "chemical" aka inorganic fertilisers. However, inorganic nutes allow you to precisely and CONSISTENTLY control the amount of N, P & K presented to the plants. With 'organic' nutes, you never really know what the precise amounts and ratios of N, P & K your plants will actually get. Moreover, inorganic nutes are not affected by the use of H2O2 in hydroponic nute solns. Inorganic based hydro systems are clean, tanks are clear and such systems are much easier to maintain, especially for the newbish. Now, before some holy organic evangelist upbraids me for not knowing what I'm talking about, know ye this: my veg patch out back is run on organic principles; my cannabis plant waste, lawn clips and kitchen veg cuttings are composted and incorporated into the garden soil after spending about a year breaking down in the compost bins. It works pretty well- outdoors, where I don't give a damn how many bugs & microbes are hanging about. In my indoor hydroponic grow-op, I want to have only ONE living organism: cannabis plants.
I grow with cfls and im quite happy with my results ... Dont bash cfls if you never even grew with them before. OP Im using 5000k for veg with a couple 2700k to mix up the spectrum. I've been vegging for about 27 days now on my biggest plants and about 17 on my smaller ones. These are from clone

I've been just using flood light clip on lights and a small humidifier so i can keep my humidity at a constant 50 to 65 humidity.