Best germination method


Well-Known Member
and the outcome is....the paper towel method worked great this time, 28 out of 30 germed really well, gonna pop the last two in water. yay!!!


Well-Known Member
How long is this going to go on for? If you are using fresh, viable seeds there is no need to soak seeds or no need to use paper towels. If you are using seeds that have been sitting for so long that they may not germ, then fair enough. But with fresh seeds there is no need. Keep it simple.


Active Member
i just put them in brown paper towel and lined a small bowl with paper towel and got it wet. Put that in a cupboard for a day and they popped


Well-Known Member
I used to swear by paper towels mate. Switched to Jiffys and have had 100 percent success with my seeds since. As was said previously there aint paper towels lying about in nature, so why use them?


Well-Known Member
oh and the "fuck all about growing" thing - fair enough. i know very little about it, just enough to have slight success on my first go - and i'm learning every day. as far as i'm concerned, i grow because i love weed and i love weed because of the peace, the funny funny shit that goes on and the ability to understand others and their differences. so if some folks express themselves in a demeaning way then so be it, it doesn't really bother me coz i choose not to let it lol i'd rather be a humble novice


Well-Known Member
oh and the "fuck all about growing" thing - fair enough. i know very little about it, just enough to have slight success on my first go - and i'm learning every day. as far as i'm concerned, i grow because i love weed and i love weed because of the peace, the funny funny shit that goes on and the ability to understand others and their differences. so if some folks express themselves in a demeaning way then so be it, it doesn't really bother me coz i choose not to let it lol i'd rather be a humble novice
nobody saying you personally know Fuck all about growing mate. Everyone starts somewhere. The point i am trying to make is, i used to swear by paper towels, after a few failures and after taking advice on here i switched and i aint looked back since. Seeds cost money and i dont like wasting money. Then you have the chemicals that may be present in the paper towels. Read some of the longer posts on this thread carefully and you will see why paper towels make no sense.


Well-Known Member
i know it's neat huh lol how ya doin sog? i took a close up of the trichs last night they seem to be turning amber, looks like it's time!!!
heya.. im good, 2 more weeks!! yay!!! glad to here things r lookin up 4 u... ttys


Well-Known Member
oh i wasn't saying i was taking anything personally - and everyone has a right to express themself in whatever way they want to. i'm just a chick who loves weed lol it's all good. i honestly dont know what a propogator is, i'm pretty sure i've heard of it tho - it sounds expensive lol i'm not a profit grower (yet) so my budget is a relative concern


Well-Known Member
heya.. im good, 2 more weeks!! yay!!! glad to here things r lookin up 4 u... ttys
love yer work soggy lol turns out i was over nuting the crap out of them babies, and it turns out i'm super good at making hermies, haha, shit. i'm excited about the new lot, i got the germing way better this time, haha. shouldn't you be sleepin man! i can't deal with kiddos when i'm tired lol


New Member
oh i wasn't saying i was taking anything personally - and everyone has a right to express themself in whatever way they want to. i'm just a chick who loves weed lol it's all good. i honestly dont know what a propogator is, i'm pretty sure i've heard of it tho - it sounds expensive lol i'm not a profit grower (yet) so my budget is a relative concern
propgators are very cheap if you read the link below i am in there showing how i germ seeds and the things i use.



Well-Known Member
A propogator can be as simple as the bottom half of a soda bottle turned upside down over your seed. It increases humidity which is essential for the wellbeing of seedlings.


Well-Known Member
oh cool i think i know what you mean. i was at the hydro shop the other day and saw this thing that had a clear lid and loads of small little blocks in it, it was only 35 aus dollars and i told myself i was gonna get one for the next lot. so you just pop them in the little blocks? does it just crumble away when you transplant into large pots? i use a vicks steamer for humidity, without the vicks in it of course! haha.


Active Member
I often use the paper towel method but there are downsides to it. When i check the towels every 12 hours, im introducing new bacteria and stuff into the environment and then closing it up again. This ALWAYS results in a noticeable reaction to either the environment or the seed itself. Just today i checked on a germinating seed that was wrapped in a coffee filter in a tuperware container and it had mold after less than a day after i checked it. Even if you manage to get past this step, you still have to handle the taproots and hope that works out.

Its simply better to know how much moisture is required to germinate a seed in your medium and try to emulate nature as much as possible. Put the damn thing in a plug of some sort or some soil and keep it damp. If the seed is viable then it will root.