Best GSC in seed form?


Well-Known Member
Have seen a few threads around, but most are not really recent on who has the best choice of seeds for getting something close to the real deal Girl Scout Cookies.

Unfortunately it is extremely hard for me to get cuts here in a non legal whatsoever state, so I must resort to finding the closest I can get in sees form or maybe getting lucky and finding a good friend willing to mail me the cut... Which likely won't happen.

Anyway so far from what I have seen as far as choices go, but these are not really recent recommendations... are Cali Connection and BC Bud Depot.

But man since those threads there are tons of American seed breeders and banks that are offering fire genetics that I may not be up to date on.

Any recommendations???
Have seen a few threads around, but most are not really recent on who has the best choice of seeds for getting something close to the real deal Girl Scout Cookies.

Unfortunately it is extremely hard for me to get cuts here in a non legal whatsoever state, so I must resort to finding the closest I can get in sees form or maybe getting lucky and finding a good friend willing to mail me the cut... Which likely won't happen.

Anyway so far from what I have seen as far as choices go, but these are not really recent recommendations... are Cali Connection and BC Bud Depot.

But man since those threads there are tons of American seed breeders and banks that are offering fire genetics that I may not be up to date on.

Any recommendations???
Candyland from Ken estes.
Have seen a few threads around, but most are not really recent on who has the best choice of seeds for getting something close to the real deal Girl Scout Cookies.

Unfortunately it is extremely hard for me to get cuts here in a non legal whatsoever state, so I must resort to finding the closest I can get in sees form or maybe getting lucky and finding a good friend willing to mail me the cut... Which likely won't happen.

Anyway so far from what I have seen as far as choices go, but these are not really recent recommendations... are Cali Connection and BC Bud Depot.

But man since those threads there are tons of American seed breeders and banks that are offering fire genetics that I may not be up to date on.

Any recommendations???
the best the original is a clone ..yeah!

but BC Bud 's got GSCx BX1 has to be the closet I've encountered


BX2 out soon but both run out quick suppose you can try their GSC..? lol


the worst(by far) fast buds

good luck
Lots of cookie crosses out there, have grown out a few and the closest in taste and smell was rainbow cookies.
Jellybreath also gave me a nice cookie pheno but yielded shit.
There is the forum bx by sin city
Gsc s1 by chimera and greenthumb and some guys in glg site i think is cold creek? Not sure but i believe they have a s1 as well.

The gsc clone is out and almost every breeder has a legit cut, just look for one that is well reviewed and crossed to something you like
Pretty much. I prefer OGKB crosses but the Sincity Forum BX was decent from 3 pheno’s I had. Honestly I rather smoke OG’s than cookies, dont get caught up in he cookie hype.
Saying you prefer og to gsc isn't really a deterrent, og is like the best shit lol
Saying you prefer og to gsc isn't really a deterrent, og is like the best shit lol

It really is for me at least lol but as one who was late on the cookie bus, I rather grow something else mainly my chucks now. I call cookies baby OG as far as its effects go. Sure the OP needs to go through it himself but hey they may go crazy over the cookies. Be great if I could run a clone especially Thin Mints havent had anything with that pheno yet.
Thanks guys for all of the replies.

I have a few cuts that was sent to me by a buddy over on i-c-m-a-g. He sent me OGKB 2.0, just took root 2 days ago. Is this better than straight GSC? Or when you guys are comparing GSC to OG are you talking about OGKB? Or OG Kush??
Thanks guys for all of the replies.

I have a few cuts that was sent to me by a buddy over on i-c-m-a-g. He sent me OGKB 2.0, just took root 2 days ago. Is this better than straight GSC? Or when you guys are comparing GSC to OG are you talking about OGKB? Or OG Kush??

I only compare them because they say Cookies has OG in it. So to me Cookies is like a tricked out OG with all the bling. My OG keeper has low yields & the nugs are a lot less dense but the smoke its waaaay better.

OGKB is the persons fourm name on Icmag who brought that cut out so they say. There are different phenos’s of cookies: OGKB (my fav so far), Thin Mint, Forum ect..

Sorry lol I am very uneducated at the moment with the whole GSC thing.

Like I said dont get sucked into the hype. Just grow out those OGKB 2.0’s & if you like that explore other cookie seeds. Just my 2 cents
Sorry lol I am very uneducated at the moment with the whole GSC thing.
You will love cookies trust me, to me is not hype and quite frankly my favorite smoke similar taste to og but with a anis seed taste and smell that og doesnt have.
I smoked the thin mint cut before i ever grew any gsc crosses so i knew more or less what to look for
If you can source the clone do it cuz seeds wont guarantee that you get the exact representation
I never really thought GSC was all that special in the flavor department but she sure does look pretty in flower. I think I'm the most interested in the GMO cookies (Forum GSC x Chem D) except for the dang 12 week flower time.
I went through this 18 months ago. I’m an older stoner but new to growing and cannabis 2.0. I live in an illegal place so clones are out. Everyone talks about cookies this and that, I just wanted to know what they were talking about. Point of reference.
I grew out the bcbuddepot one but wasn’t really impressed overall.
The OGKB 2.0 clones I got from my buddy over on icmag, are from the real deal, the man himself. The one that started it all. I can't wait to try it out. I have seen tona of strains come thru here in Ky but never no GSC.

I like the fact that it has Durban Poison in the genetics because I am a hardcore lover of sativas!
check out gu's @gps, he has some very nice cookie crosses up for grabs and decent prices with a lot of sales specials.
his black friday sale is this weekend ad there'll be 55% off deals across the board.
there's a nice cookie cross called---> eagle scout with the GSC-forum cut X'd to his very exceptional stardawg male
cookies-n-chem is another nice 1 for chem lover looking for some tasty gassy cookies :D
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Dynasty's Platinum Huckleberry Cookies V3 is a good bet for solid cookie genetics. The V3 is a better producing male than the previous versions