best guide for poppy cultivation


Well-Known Member
i just ordered jim hogshire's opium for the masses, eagerly awaiting it. i realize this is an older book and may be a bit out dated, any other suggestions of better or more updated publications i should order as well? any info appreciated...
there are some pretty good articles and experts on the forum here if you search them out.


my Papaver S. list in no particular order as to content:

Hydroponic Heroin: How to Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil
Robert Neil Bunch

Opium for the Masses: Harvesting Nature's Best Pain Medication
Jim Hogshire

Opium Culture: The Art and Ritual of the Chinese Tradition
Peter Lee

The Power of the Poppy: Harnessing Nature's Most Dangerous Plant Ally
Kenaz Filan

Opium: A Portrait of the Heavenly Demon
Barbara Hodgson

Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Thomas De Quincey

The Mystique of Opium
Jean-Francois Hubert

Dark Paradise: A History of Opiate Addiction in America
David T. Courtwright

The Art of Opium Antiques
Steven Martin

Opium Poppy Garden The Way of a Chinese Grower
William Griffith

Opium Poppy: Botany, Chemistry, and Pharmacology
L. Kapoor (Author)

Poppies: A Guide to the Poppy Family in the Wild and in Cultivation
Christopher Grey-Wilson

Opium Poppy Cultivation
"O" (John Allen)

Poppies Odyssey of an Opium Eater
Eric Detzer

The Poppy Crop Mayhem in the Bush
Bill Hornadge

Opium The Poisoned Poppy
Michael Robson
damn, thanks man i will check those out for sure, but hydroponic heroin is first on the list what to buy next. was it you i saw a while ago with the avatar of poppies in a hydro set up?
Poppys (papaver somniferum) are actually pretty easy to grow. I did a couple of runs. I started them in the winter they like cold to start, I'm in Cali though so there wasn't any kind of frost in Dec.

Also, if you aren't doing a huge run don't expect a big return, lol. I did like 10 and ended up with about a bowl of unwashed opium. Also, I did them outside. Fun plants to grow though.

I never even thought about adding them to my aero system.... Hrmmmm. I still have a bunch of seeds, oh the possibilities.

I just found this:

Fuck now I have to go setup another tub, lol.
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It would be a fun novelty project but you would half to grow at least an acre or more to get a decent supply let us all know what you get though! plants have suprised me before sometimes you get that one pack of seeds that are magic.
Afghan white are reputed to be the best. While the ornamentals and bread seed poppies will give you some good quality gear, the ones bred for opium production are far superior. Wife and I were yacking on tea made from five pods where we would only get a nice buzz from ten of the ornamentals.
yes afghan whites were in my top three i have been looking at, along with hens and chicks and Tasmanian purps. this year's poppy run has been a fly by night entrepreneurial venture for me. i basically grabbed a shotload of organic culinary seeds and sowed them guerilla style in a few large choice locations. i also grabbed some at a local nursery called Laurens Grape just because they were P.S and looked purple lol. i still have tons of research i want to do and interested in dialing in on what strains contain what percentage of what alkaloids and next year will be a much more refined and knowledgeable grow. i just wanted to get something in the ground this year. im mainly interested in tea but yeah some scoring will be in order as well. thanks all you guys for the useful info on a subject im sure has been beaten to death here many times already! happy cultivation...
Everything I have read has stated that the tasmanians have the highest alkaloid content, by far. I believe most research is done using this strain. I can post some links to substantiate if you would like
i just ordered jim hogshire's opium for the masses, eagerly awaiting it. i realize this is an older book and may be a bit out dated, any other suggestions of better or more updated publications i should order as well? any info appreciated...
tryed a few indoors and after lancing them i decided to plant not 1 or 10 but about 100 seeds out of that i ended up with about 30 strong plants that are still going for one opium is not herion and u are gunna need some basic chemist skill to do the conversion and for 2nd wast of time to grow 5 or 6 poppie plants hydro as u are gunna need a far few plants for a nice amount of latex just to start the conversion and in my opinion indoor out door latex theres really not much diff ;)