Best led for microgrows ? 100 to 200watt grows.

Sweet. How close can they be ar 60 watts a piece?
I have had them as close as 6 and as far away as 24. Even with them at 65w a piece i can feel a decent amount of heat underneath them. At first with the single board i had to keep it too far away because of its small footprint and the heat. 2 of these are perfect in there.

@JoeRogan420 if you do go with a board style light pay attention to the above. 2 65's or dimmable 100's will serve you much better than a single board... brand doesnt really matter much. More efficient lights mean less watts needed but with a 100w light you are talking about maybe 5 , 10 watts between the competition. In a large room or tent chasing the extra efficiency has a bigger benefit