Best light on the market ?

This is going to seem like im trolling you on this thread but you and the other led freaks are talking way too much broscience.....

The sun puts out near half its light as IR so no freaking idea what bs your quoting there!

Your describing a very inefficient plant light led freak.

Heat is radiation, convection and conduction, you should wiki and learn this before even opening your mouth here, far too many of you pros seem to lack even a basic understanding of heat, why you struggle with hids and run to leds thinking they give bigger yeilds, what amateurs.....!

Such noobs, any real science or just the same old copy and paste led rubbish, like this site could be so much better if you lot just shut up and let some real growers do the hard stuff you cant :-)
Says the small closet growers who's never run LEDs in his life.
False. There are a ton of threads in the LED subsection in which people discuss thermal management. You're the guy spreading fake info.

You came here to wreck the site with your shite, why dont you go stay in led, your not needed here, i got this heat down o a T whilst you recents still struggle...

Ya now know why theres so much bs here... because you qnd similar lameo's keep coming here trying to correct me and others.

Get some years here then maybe try again in general, enjoy led whilst your there :-)
^ So much irony.

No this use to be a forum with great members, so many of you talk shite and perpetuate your own ego....

You should know i dont like you or similar members, why i give you shite back right in the open.

Go fuck up someone elses site, you are merely another egotistical grower, i never wanted to be you so im merely a good member who lays down fact and discussion unlike you :-)
No this use to be a forum with great members, so many of you talk shite and perpetuate your own ego....

You should know i dont like you or similar members, why i give you shite back right in the open.

Go fuck up someone elses site, you are merely another egotistical grower, i never wanted to be you so im merely a good member who lays down fact and discussion unlike you :-)
I'm a noob? I have been growing weed longer than you are old there"youngin'".
I was "grandfather claused" into this industry. lol
I'm a noob? I have been growing weed longer than you are old there"youngin'".
I was "grandfather claused" into this industry. lol

And yet you still dont see that by coming here and proclaiming this and that leds are the be all and end all you end up coming across as yet another opinionated know it all.

I didnt spend years here doing and saying what you and orthers are atm so maybe make a subsection and you lucky and all the others here for giving unvalidated opinions can chill in whilst i and others keep the real facts and grow science going.

I mean uf you love leds so much wtf you doing in general and not led forum...? Guess you like giving opinion a little too much...!

And yet you still dont see that by coming here and proclaiming this and that leds are the be all and end all you end up coming across as yet another opinionated know it all.

I didnt spend years here doing and saying what you and orthers are atm so maybe make a subsection and you lucky and all the others here for giving unvalidated opinions can chill in whilst i and others keep the real facts and grow science going.

I mean uf you love leds so much wtf you doing in general and not led forum...? Guess you like giving opinion a little too much...!

Please quit whining. No one wants to hear it dude.
Well I do have a couple 300 watt led but I do get a bigger yield using digital ballast.
I use those led when I need extra light in a corner. They help.
These light threads always go the same way lol
The best light just like the best grow method is whatever works best for the person and their situation.
That fact always gets ignored and people end up arguing over their opinions. LED and HIDs both grow great weed and both have their applications.
Anything else on the subject is simply chest puffing.
Cheers :)
These light threads always go the same way lol
The best light just like the best grow method is whatever works best for the person and their situation.
That fact always gets ignored and people end up arguing over their opinions. LED and HIDs both grow great weed and both have their applications.
Anything else on the subject is simply chest puffing.
Cheers :)
Thank you!
Please quit whining. No one wants to hear it dude.

No ones whinning, this is merely fact, you dont like being on the recieving end about as much as we dont like led mofos dronning on.

Until you droned on this argument never existed, smelling any coffee yet or still being an led nazi on a site of friendly growers?

These light threads always go the same way lol
The best light just like the best grow method is whatever works best for the person and their situation.
That fact always gets ignored and people end up arguing over their opinions. LED and HIDs both grow great weed and both have their applications.
Anything else on the subject is simply chest puffing.
Cheers :)

Led mofos been ignoring fact for years, they missed one vital fact on ppfd par and thats that it is inaccurate and worse still when comparing lights.

Now we use to discuss this science before leds came along and rated everything on it quite wrongly.

Its not chest puffing but merely pointing out they are wrong in many hyped up claims and that they cause this argument with tjeir ego not science.

Sucksbut not the first snake oil to divide opinions and gleece growers of money :-)
Quit acting like a 2 year old. No one is arguing but you.
Why when someone even mentions LEDs, you hardcore HID guys go ape shit?
I wanted to see what other growers were using or recommending is why I am here.
Why are you?
People are PMing me just so they don't start an argument. That ain't right man.
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That’s amazing that your CO2 levels are where they are due to microbes. It’s honestly the first time I’ve heard this claim.
My grow space is a little different than others. My space is sunken from the rest of the area. The CO2 collects in the sunken area, when the lights come on, fans move the CO2 up and across the canopy. CO2 comes from decaying plants and animals. Soil breaking by healthy microbes creates more than average CO2.
My whole living area is high in CO2, because I burn propane for heat. I actually get way too much CO2. It's been as high as 3000ppms. I have to keep a window open at times.
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I am just glad that you got the meaning in my original post. I mean it would look ridiculous if you completely missed it and instead wanted to keep trying to argue where there is no argument........

Cheers :)

My only argument is that led growers generally dont fit in here or with basic science on light and heat.

This is again echoed by my country rushing to ditch all led products because they simply do not reach any of the many claims made.

Coupled with the most hyped up snakeoiled American led market that lets face it generally ruins everything herecwith hype but until the bubble bursts pulls all sheep in and fleeces them.

So i dont see the problem, its more history than present fact now anyway, led growers got conned, end of the line :-)