Learned this from a very good aero grower in another forum on lp aero
for flower in ro water base
Dutch master gold flower nutes a&b
DM zone 1ml gal of res if problems go higher
Cal mag 1ml gal
Silica 20ml per 30 gal
after 2 weeks (gradually build up koolbloom and resinator doses max 2 per week)
Gh Floralicious 1ml gal couple times per res
Gh koolbloom (dry powder flower formula) 1tsp add to res 2-3times per res
Sometimes instead of koolbloom I will use Rock Resinator 30ml (very stable)
Res change every 2 weeks. Top off as needed with ro and add base and bloom nutes as needed.
In aero usually 500 ppm is about max concentration, watch ur leaf tips if start yellowing back off ppm.
I run no chiller and using zone don't have root problems. I do not run my pump constant I use a
1min on 4min off cycle timer to keep res temps down.
Let ph fluctuate from 5.3 to 6.3 and adjust when out of range. This regime is pretty ph stable until
heavy koolbloom use, the rock resinator stays extremely stable. Gl OG