Best ponics spray nozzle I have found.....

Iwaki MX-70VT-15L Water Pump

Japanese pressure rated water pump.
1 inch MPT inlet and outlet.
1/4 HP Motor output.
3300 RPM motor speed.
Max flow 35.6 GPM.
1450 GPH at 6 feet of head.
Max head 36.1 ft.
Does this help??

That's a capable unit! I hear Iwaki's are top of the line. Plus with an external pump no heat is transferred to the water. That should easily run over 100 of the WRW4's! Or any number fewer at higher pressure and finer spray, which would not be a bad thing? Could also use larger size WRW's? A WRW20 is rated 5 time the output of the WRW4, and with larger orifices even more clog proof. Many combination's would work.
Thanks man!! I picked it up on eBay brand new in the box for $88 including shipping. Wouldn't I want a smaller orifice to produce smaller microns??
Nice, that's like a $400 pump. The great thing about the Delevan WRW's is that the orifice doesn't determine the droplet size, all sizes are rated the same micron droplets, just the flow rate varies. They use centrifugal force by spinning the water out the hole, which is why they're so clog proof, the orifice doesn't need to be tiny. Kind of like how a spinning disk atomizes water, but no moving parts to wear out on these. Any size should work as long as the total flow matches the pump appropriately.
The lowest flow nozzle is 7gph at 1bar (14.7psi), 19gph at 7bar (102.9psi), expect a coarse spray not a fine mist ;)
nowt wrong with lp aero :)
As you mentioned smaller orifice and smaller droplet sizes i figured you may be after a fine mist rather than a coarse spray.
Yep that's what I want. I've been reading that the finer the droplets the more nutrient uptake the plant can do? Also with a finer mist you will have finer root hairs. I'm missing some key components to get to the finish line.
Anyone go ahead and buy these sprayers? Its been over a year now I was wondering if people are having any problems with clogging or other issues with this sprayer? Anyone running low pressure aero have better options for aero sprayers than these?

  • With a 1/4" hole, can you just drill a 1/4" and screw these into 1/2" PVC pipe? Rather than buy the 1/4" tread adapters?​

Old thread, I know, but I just bought a bunch (60) of the Delavan Raindrop 1/4" RA10 Nozzles and now find myself without the ability to use them (long story). If anybody is interested in purchasing them, I paid $4 each and it took a long time to find them. I also have a bunch of half inch PVC with the tee part being 1/4" threaded to go along with them. All you'd need then is to buy some half inch pvc pipe and 4 ninety's to make a table.
PM me and we can work out the details.
Nice old thread! Any updates with you guys? Has anyone been using this set up? I just ordered mine and I’m very excited to build my new system. Nothing wrong with my current ez spray system but I am always looking to improve. Also if anyone is in need of a turn key system to fit a 4x8, 5x8, 8x8, or 10x10 room or tent I will be selling rails, and many items from my old system which works great. I just moving to a more technical and external feed system with my water intake ported on the top of my new rails. My current system has the water pvp lines inside the rails. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case someone is in need and wants to save some time.
Damn I was hoping one of you had feedback on this set up. I’m installing this system now. I was curious if anyone has done it and what intervals you’re running your pumps at?