Best Prank You Have Played? Beat Mine!!


Active Member
Hi All

Was thinking wats the best trick you played??

I was on holidays in Majorca few years back. This big fat all over hairy German guy, & I mean back, chest everywhere (as they do :mrgreen:) kept moving my towel etc... most mornings when I beat him down to the pool to a different sunbed.
Anyway, I didnt give a fuck where I sat, but from the 1st day I arrived he did this. I wouldnt of minded if he had of told me that was he fav seat etc... I would of said no prolem.

So I watched him 1 morning as he came from breakfast to the pool having left his towel, sun lotion etc... before he went for breakfast. I swapped his sun lotion bottle with a bottle of his lotion filled with immac hair remover while he was eating.

I watched as he put it all over him, sat in the sun. Then about a half hour later he dived into the pool and came up to the top in a sea of hair :mrgreen: He went fuckin ape shit :lol: Everyone at the pool laughed him out of it!!!!

Anyone anything better??


Well-Known Member
I'm not much for pulling pranks because the one day someone does something wouldn't be a good day for them....

But that's hilarious....really really funny and would probably top anything I would be willing to do


Well-Known Member
lol, I'm not really into playing pranks. But there was this one trick I used to do when I was a kid....

My parents took off one night and told me and my brothers to fend for ourselves for dinner. There wasn't shit that we wanted to eat in the house, so we came up with a plan to make money.

We made a scavenger hunt list on the computer of all stuff we had around our house, even titled it with our church's name and everything. We made it so there were only two things left on this list we needed: a rubber chicken and a dollar bill.

Safe to say no one in the neighborhood had a rubber chicken, and we made 40 bucks in about an hour. My parents came home to find we had ordered pizza and asked where we got the money. When we told them how we did it, my mom was actually impressed that I came up with it.


Well-Known Member
best prank to date for me was saran wrapping the staff toilets in high school and listening to a teacher spew crap all over herself ... I really felt bad after the fact ... I'm sorry I did it now . But back then it was funny


Well-Known Member
I can't think of too many right now (I know I've got some though) but I do remember back in highschool. I knew this guy who stole cards and such from the local card shop....real thug he was LOL Anyway I never got along with him and one day he just pissed me off enough his house when I knew he wasn't home, I left a message..."This is "Name Here" from "This Place" and I have reason to beleive your son is stealing from my store, I'd like to speak with both of you whenever you have the chance" Now I thought maybe he'd get the message and be mad, or at the very worst one of his parents get it, and ask him about it...I imagined he'd be able to call out the message as an obvious fake (laughing in the background) Turns out however that his mom buys it, doesn't believe his story and even takes him down to the store to apologize!!! Of course the store owner must have been shocked LOL and that jerkwad must have felt like a complete idiot LOL :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
like the hair remover one...we did that shit to a girl back in highschool....ya ya ya i know it's fucked up, and w/e but i'll tell you how it went down...

this chick liked making up stories and telling people's biz to anyone who would listen, so one day she opened up her trap and told the whole city that me and some of my people were selling weed and shit, and that we were moving guns(we weren't), and that we were responsible for 2 shootings in the last year(

we confronted her about this and she flat out denied it, even after we read the official statement, and heard it from all the we let it slide, and sat on it for awhile, when everything had cleared up she thought she was all safe and invited us to a party at her house(probably to spread more shit bout us later) we were all getting fucked up, so i told her i needed to use the bathroom and wondered where it was she pointed it out, and i locked myself in.....then i dumped half of her shampoo bottle down the drain and filled the empty weight with NAIR hair removal shook the shit outta it and smelled it to see if you could smell a big diff, i couldn't so i put it back in her bathtub and enjoyed the rest of the party.....

she didnt come into school for a week, and when she did she claimed she was sick, and also lied and told us that she was sick of her long hair so she just shaved it off and got a boy cut....lmao we were rollin...karma's a bitch, and i like to believe that was her karma not on me lol......


Well-Known Member
Devious. Well that is a good way to get to a girl. I have long hair, and yeah, if someone ever did that shit to me...well I'd be furious and probably kill them, but I'd also be devistated.


Well-Known Member
she stopped throwing parties real quick, no one ever snitched bout who did it either, but thats only something we'd do in desperate times, it's evil if you do it for anything other than revenge

rob the pot head

Well-Known Member
like the hair remover one...we did that shit to a girl back in highschool....ya ya ya i know it's fucked up, and w/e but i'll tell you how it went down...

this chick liked making up stories and telling people's biz to anyone who would listen, so one day she opened up her trap and told the whole city that me and some of my people were selling weed and shit, and that we were moving guns(we weren't), and that we were responsible for 2 shootings in the last year(

we confronted her about this and she flat out denied it, even after we read the official statement, and heard it from all the we let it slide, and sat on it for awhile, when everything had cleared up she thought she was all safe and invited us to a party at her house(probably to spread more shit bout us later) we were all getting fucked up, so i told her i needed to use the bathroom and wondered where it was she pointed it out, and i locked myself in.....then i dumped half of her shampoo bottle down the drain and filled the empty weight with NAIR hair removal shook the shit outta it and smelled it to see if you could smell a big diff, i couldn't so i put it back in her bathtub and enjoyed the rest of the party.....

she didnt come into school for a week, and when she did she claimed she was sick, and also lied and told us that she was sick of her long hair so she just shaved it off and got a boy cut....lmao we were rollin...karma's a bitch, and i like to believe that was her karma not on me lol......
she probably did think she was sick haha damn:evil:


Well-Known Member
In highschool me and some friends had this six foot long bowaconstikter snake. We thought it would be a good idea to let it go in the school so we put it in a duffle bag and put it in this storage closet at around 9p.m. The next morning we went to school and did not tell anyone. I was at lunch and still no one had found the snake and the next think I know I hear this teacher yelling really loud and they were trying to catch this six foot long snake. Well they finally relized that they would need to call animal control b/c you cant just put a six foot long snake outside. So we never got caught and some losers tried taking credit for it. But at least I will always know what really happened.


Well-Known Member
In highschool me and some friends had this six foot long bowaconstikter snake. We thought it would be a good idea to let it go in the school so we put it in a duffle bag and put it in this storage closet at around 9p.m. The next morning we went to school and did not tell anyone. I was at lunch and still no one had found the snake and the next think I know I hear this teacher yelling really loud and they were trying to catch this six foot long snake. Well they finally relized that they would need to call animal control b/c you cant just put a six foot long snake outside. So we never got caught and some losers tried taking credit for it. But at least I will always know what really happened.
lol, I guess that's one of the few pros of getting caught: At least no one can take credit for your shit.


Well-Known Member
I got a sharpie and drew a hitler mustache and a swastica on his forehead and when we came out of the movie theater we ditched him so he got alot of strange looks that day.


Well-Known Member
I was in Majorca a few years back for a holiday myself.

Some dude put hair remover in my suntan lotion bottle because i kept moving his towel.

Later that evening when he passed out at the pool i got jiggy with his girlfriend in the jacuzzi... :hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm not so good at pulling off pranks because I alway start laughing. But, there was this one time when I was doing dishes and there just happened to be a big-ass bottle of red food coloring right there. And then I just happened to be washing a big knife and this thought just popped into my head. So I squirted the food coloring all over my hand and arm and then I started yelling, "Oh Jesus Christ, oh shit, oh SHIT! OH JESUS CHRIST!" My boyfriend comes running in and sees all this RED shit all over me, dripping, it looked a lot like blood and his face just went WHITE. :shock: Then I couldn't stop myself and I started laughing. He got SO pissed that he left for two days.

My husband, on the other hand, is really good with pranks, probably too good. He'll do shit like put a little tiny piece of tape on the cord that connects the talking part of the phone to the body of the phone, so the person's phone will ring but they can never answer it. He can fuck with your computer in horrible, horrible ways and since he's the one who did it only he can "fix" it. Then, last April Fool's he had me tell his son that I was pregnant, and that didn't go the way we thought because next thing I know he's telling me that his new wife had just had a miscarriage. I didn't like that one bit.