Lymerising Farms is located in Michigan ,breeds some outstanding strains and runs most of them outdoors every year!Best outdoor strains to grow in Michigan? Preferably indica.
Strange you mention this I ordered 2 10 pacs on sat.Vashon Seed and Mercantile. Early Bird. It came from the original Super Sativa Seed Club, in the 80s, and had been bred in Holland, for mold resistance, and early flowering. It was hybridized with an Early Vashon Kush, which had also been bred for mold resistance, and early flowering. Its been stabilized, for decades. Its also good weed, and has a better than average harvest. Its done between last of August, and Mid September.
They also have an Eki Bird, and is an Early Flowering Pheno, of Early Bird. Its often sold out.
Most everything they have, is Mold Resistant, and earlier, than most.
Can be had at JamesBeanCompany. $50 a pack. cheap too.
Vashon is an Island, in Peugeot Sound/Washington State, and it can have a high amount of mold, to contend with.
You’re in the state with the most breeders lol. Find a local breeder and buy from them. I can think of Candyman seeds, 3rd coast genetics, thug pug, crystal rose genetics and many many many more.Best outdoor strains to grow in Michigan? Preferably indica.
I’ll 2nd this as well. He has some good gear and is an absolute good person.Lymerising Farms is located in Michigan ,breeds some outstanding strains and runs most of them outdoors every year!
LymeRisingFarms | Beegen's Beans
Are you running those outdoor? I got 2 pacs on the way i plan on running outdoor in maine maybe a little breeding Saw some pretty good results last yr that a buddy grew.Got Vashon Early Bird two weeks ago! Super excited.
Are you running those outdoor? I got 2 pacs on the way i plan on running outdoor in maine maybe a little breeding Saw some pretty good results last yr that a buddy grew.
He got 5 females out of ten 1 was a runt auto the other 4 all finished late aug-late sept thats early for here all my outs last yr ran into late oct rot city. Not huge plants but he wasnt looking for trees.
Absolutely I have seen depo plants melt down in full july sun. I plan on doing some chucking with it I have means of covering with lots of fans outdoor we shall see I got 2 10 pacs coming hope to find a keeper.I have run the Vashon Early Bird in Maine as well, its does finish very early. However, I did not find it to be resistant to mold. My plants were super dense Indica style plants and both years I ran it, we had very humid Augusts in my area. Had to fight rot on all of them. Just saying, don't let your guard down.
In all honesty, I have been happier with cross's I chucked with a VEB father.
Pure MichiganBest outdoor strains to grow in Michigan? Preferably indica.