Best Type of Property to Rent for Grow House?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Based on my experience:
Big apartment complexes with onsite management is the worst route to go.
Renting direct from owner is second worst. They're managing their own property and they can still stop by and check on things by themselves.

Best option:
Renting from a place where a real estate company manages the property. As long as you pay rent, they won't show up unless you ask them to. It's easiest for them just to collect rent and sit in their A/C'd office.


Well-Known Member
Get to know your local growers. Rent a house from somebody that knows what your doing. They will never bug you. Just pay the rent. It's not that hard to find us for questions. Hang out at the hydro store you will know who is who fast.


Well-Known Member
Ive rented from each kind of landlord....

Aprtment complexs are nice but i came home several times to my door being open and them changin ac/changin fire alarms/testing alarms ect... too risky to do anything of decent size.

Rented from private owned apartments. Landlord was syco and showed up any damn time she wanted. One time i was sleepin with my girl in bed and she walked right in and sat at end of my bed to get the rent. Told her we were nakid an she said its ok ive seen children before its no big deal. Cause she was older she thought it was ok... same lady had all my neighbors inside my house when i came home from work. I called police an they said nothing they could do... until i threaten to called chief for them witnessing them exit my home an refused to do anything. Then they had me search home for missing stuff an told niehgbors they may all be arrested for b&e.

I rented another personal owned house and the guy came by every single day to do lawn and have some exscuse to complain about yard mess ect.

Rented a house from a real estate place. Showed them some edited taxes for i printed out saying i made 80k/yr and didnt have the credit just yet to buy and needed a solid reference so wanted to rent for yr. The only time i ever saw that landlord was when his partner showed up and asked why i wasnt paying rent. His partner was leaving the company and collecting rent from all propertys to keep money lol. That was best option IMO. They usually dont show up for money cause on the lease it says where to mail the check. Too many houses to make house calls for money an depending where the house are the landlords dont want to scare away a potentially good client. Now a days people are used to people being broke and having amillion kids. If you show them you are niether of those then youll prob get your space.

Slumlords usually dont give crap about property but then when it comes winter and all your heat goes out the window and have 800 bill a month and pipe breaks ect. Theyre the first to try for court that you broke it an want it payed to be fixed and then evicted. Changing locks is also against fire code. I usually do it though lol.


Well-Known Member
not sure how much this helps, but it is absolutely 100% illegal for a land lord to come into a house without your consent.
That depends on the state you live in and on the lease you signed. I'll say this about apartments having had this happen. An emergency - in my case a broken water pipe in the unit above me - was cause sufficient for personnel to enter to mitigate as much property damage as they could - their property and not my possessions. Rent a house and a crummy one at that. Shitty houses usually have lazy landlords. Repair anything you can by yourself. The less you call the clown the better. Pay on time to prevent visits. And check crime reports. For burglaries but also for any busts. Also check to see if the meter is a "smart" meter. Those are getting people busted in some areas.


Well-Known Member
Rented from private owned apartments. Landlord was syco and showed up any damn time she wanted. One time i was sleepin with my girl in bed and she walked right in and sat at end of my bed to get the rent. Told her we were nakid an she said its ok ive seen children before its no big deal. Cause she was older she thought it was ok...
Hell no,I would have cursed that crazy bitch the fuck out for doing that.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you are but where I'm from I wouldn't dare grow in a rental.
Entirely due to the surprise rent inspections. Not only will you get the book thrown at you,
but your name will be black listed. You'll never be able to rent again.


Active Member
Im currently in option number 3 and my land lord doesnt really snoop around lol although i think he knows whats going on fuse blew out... But he doesnt ask questions :)