best way to kill a large tree without cutting it down?

Originally Posted by Brick Top
As dumb as it sounded you might be surprised at the dumb things people will do to take down a tree. I knew one clown who grabbed a lawn chair, a 12 gauge shotgun and a few boxes of deer slugs and took down a half large pine tree by blowing chunks of it away one shot at a time until it fell.

sounds fun............

He enjoyed it, but it was pretty stupid. He was close to the tree and once a few slugs were buried in the trunk if he had hit one or more just right he could have had bits of lead coming back at him. He might have 'felled' himself rather than the tree.

It could have been something like a video I saw of a moron firing a .50 cal. BMG at a steel post from a pretty good distance. He fired, there was the sound of the round hitting the steel post .. and then you saw the guys head fly back and his hat fly off and he forehead bleeding. The round came right back at him.

Lead deer slugs are far less likely to do that in one piece but he could have had good sized chunks come back at him, especially from the close range he was at and as low to the ground as he was sitting in a lawn chair.