best way to use ona gel


Well-Known Member
besides the fan in bucket method..are there any other methods??i was just thinking of putting some on a plate and keeping a fan on it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you have against the bucket method. All you need is a $10.00 fan from Walmart, a $4.00 5-gallon bucket, an $8.00 can of Soil-Moist, $11.00 quart of Ona Gel, duct tape, and a drill to make some holes and Voila! She is done!



Well-Known Member
i dont have anything against the bucket method, i just think its overkill for one plant.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i dont have anything against the bucket method, i just think its overkill for one plant.
Use a smaller bucket and fan. I've grown a single plant that stunk up the entire house. Although the amount of plants does increase the power of the odor; one plant can be your downfall. ;)


Well-Known Member
wait am i missing something here when it comes to ona gel? bucket method? when i get ona gel i figured u take the cap off and it helps the smell when it comes to harvest time. is there a whole other way of using this stuff that i am missing?


Well-Known Member
yeah you can take a 5 gal bucket and a small fan and drill holes in the bucket with ona in it , put the fan in the top facing downwards and itll blow the ona scent out.
I am with Fusion on this, I though Ona killed smell not overpowered it with another scent? The oils that make up Ona absorb the smell?

Is the bucket method a popular method? Good results? I may try it but Ona works fine with the lid of? If I am worried I just put some out in little lids or pots to expose more surface area to the air.


Well-Known Member
^ona does kill smell..and yeah i guess the bucket method is more popular than i thought...i think im just gonna do something like you said ^


Well-Known Member
you dont even need a fan get a bowl or plate and scoop a spoon full out put it on yoiur dresser or whatevfer room your growing in. itll smell the whole bitch up with or without a fan dont hafta do all that bucket stuff.


Well-Known Member
you dont even need a fan get a bowl or plate and scoop a spoon full out put it on yoiur dresser or whatevfer room your growing in. itll smell the whole bitch up with or without a fan dont hafta do all that bucket stuff.
thats what im sayin. except ona pro doesnt really smell like much..


Well-Known Member
hmmm , the stuff i have smells like laundry from the dryer:cool: all i do is put it out on a plate even just take the lid off and put it near your plant. i cant remeber if it was this thread, or another, but someone mentioned the smell can stick to your plant so probly keep it a cpl feet away? i dont know i put it right by the door or air outtakes.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen anyone (that i personally know/physically seen the op) have great success using ona. any good stuff/stinky strain just mixes ona smell with bud smell. it smells great, but won't fool anyonw with a clue of what they are trying to smell.. maybe a low odor strain is dif, but skunk strains and ona don't work so well..
I had a 60 x 60 x 80 tent just for vegging for 3 weeks, got a bit stinky. I large tub of ONA lid off killed the smell. Its a good supplement to have especially to ease paranoia.

You can increase the effect but spooning more out and placing over the room. Good to have when people are round.