Best Yielding Plants


Active Member
looks like a great idea, how many plants are gonna be going under the 3200w? keep me posted u should do really will, mabye we can bounce ideas off each other caz this is gonna be my first scrog aswell


Well-Known Member
ive got 4 at a time going but i like to get em big
the reason for a lotta lights is for the fact i run cool tube and they love to dull light
come cooler times there will be no tubes
i will add ya as a friend and send ya a pm when i start
i think ya got haters coming this way
we will start a thread and see if we can help each other out
sound good?


Active Member
4? with 3200hps? thats the shit i'm talking about, thats how u grow trees. u should swap one of your HPS for a MH, the mixture in flower makes a huge difference ive tried both, and for some reason the bud is also alot denser.

i was thinking to start a "tree growers unite thread" but after afew post about what i could do i got so many haters and smart ass i thought ah its probably not worth it. i respect that if someone hasnt seen it they dont have to believe it, but there is a difference in not believeing and backing it with some useful facts then just being a little kid about it and talking about unicorns and time machines.

i think we should start a new thread, its gonna be an interesting few


Well-Known Member
ok done and i do rock a 1000mh in there not tube but\
i love a good bright 1000
i havent been running it cause of the heat but winter a coming
this is a pic from my current grow



Active Member
nice looking pics, those buds look delicous +rep. what system are u using? is the first pic the ones u wanna scrog?


Well-Known Member
Yep bendy sad plants great for scrog yay
and I use a rdwc 4 barrel with a Rez and auto top up tank
but those bendy fuck are perfect for what I want
way to catch a break
I had a 400 hps on them for veg but they were getting too big too quick
so I changed to fluros just to slow em up
yes I'm from skippyland you


Active Member
im in the same boat as u i got my next lot vegging under a 400hps but i just keep topping mine to keep them short until i can veg them properly. but i think the fluors is a better idea im gonna look into that.

my setup is pretty ghetto atm but in a few weeks im gonna setup a proper grow room(been using a spar bedroom and study)

hahaha i new it, us aussies grow the best weed and the biggest plants :) thats why your not a hater caz u no we can grow


hahahah leeroy slim and doniawon!!! big surprise i didn't see no pics... if u were getting 3 pounds a plant u must have the sun in ur grow room and be related to jesus.