Well-Known Member
For sure, but without knowing if they mean of the total population (0.20*330mil) vs. 20% of adults or something else. But even still, look at the opportunities for the younger generations to get a college education now. Even if it is mostly unusable arts degrees, they have learned far more than they would have otherwise, and they have a better idea of what their kids should learn to have a even better chance at doing at least as well as they did.I understand what he is saying, because I've been saying the same thing since Nixon was reelected.
College education is a good indicator, although I've read that only 20 percent of people attend college. What really explains it is that almost half of all people have an IQ that is below 100. That explains a lot!
If the kids today keep up they will continue to build on what we as a nation have been building up since our founding. People like to talk shit about it, but really I find it kind of amazing what we have as a society now. Things like the internet, last 20 years or so? But even mores our road system, electrical grids, schools/public buildings, water/sewage lines (even though they loved lead back in the day causing problems), on and on. We need to do work to get them updated, but we have as a nation really done a lot of work as we sprawled out into the suburbs.
We will have to do things much cleaner/efficient/greener going forward, but for real people are waking up to it.
And maybe most importantly, white males are starting to have to give the other 70?% of the populations best and brightest the opportunity to shine in leadership roles. That bottleneck of talent being opened up imo is going to be what saves us in about 10-15 years.