Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
Yeah these will go straight into 1 gallon pots, Diamonds and Dust from Gage Green.

"Diamonds & Dust is a mix collection of all our seeds from our outdoor 2013 open pollination in Oakland, CA. The open air crosses were made by allowing our choice males to proliferate naturally. These included landrace and heirloom males/females. All our best mothers and fathers flourished naturally in the sun to produce some of the most exotic seeds we've ever made."


Well-Known Member
My water bill was about 5 dollars per month so yeah, as funny as that was, its not really, or perhaps Im just in a shitty fucking mood


Well-Known Member
If it's any consolation Vnsmkr. It's humid as shit here right now. It might only be 17°c. But it's about 64% humidity.


Well-Known Member
Well it didnt piss yet, I'm just in a foul mood from this situation I find myself in. Heat index is 36 and its 80% humidity here atm


Well-Known Member
I had to do some surgery on one of my seedlings after work. They are under a metal cage but a small bird or something must of got in and landed on the poor thing and bent her (hopefully) back.
Some good old lecky tape and a small stick and hope she (hopefully) survives.

My fridge grow is powering on if no one has checked it out lately (ill update some more picks this weekend if i remember). Looks like it will be a long flowering cycle.

I recon us tassie boys will be able to plant outside next week..what you think Bict?
Hey man, only just saw this. I'm gonna plant outside around mid Oct, we're still getting a bit of cold weather. Especially at night ( below 10c).
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