Biden Forgives $20k of Pell Grant

No question It would at least be a close call. The $20k is set up to help the people who were unable to graduate and got stuck with a coupe, years of loans from a local state university.

Precisely because you are shut out of what most others enjoy since it's tied to your credit score.
That's not how it works, Rob. The 20k symbolizes dreams not yet met due to the 'system'. You see I was thisclose to graduating; one of two that had an 'A' in Mortuary Chemistry (not an easy feat because of metric system) in my class when I was told I wouldn't be receiving my Pell because I dropped one too many classes during drop period over the life of my Pell (two years and in my third). My Cum was one billionth of a percent away from pure B. There were tears, letters and phone calls to/from Deans to other Deans 'how can we let this B student go?' My program has a low success rate even though they are the premier school for Mortuary in the US.

I had made it through three cohort meetings and denials; was waiting for my fourth 'Just hold on' I was told and the lights went off; Sherriff put a three day notice on the door- sadly my time was up.

You can guess the rest since Pell covers rent.

If anyone listened to what the President said why he's doing; you'd understand.

This country doesn't pay attention.

I'm sorry your dream not met, playing with dead people. was unrealized.

Have you tried starting again and more importantly what is in your freezer?

Yep, he's on a roll. Now, all Democrats have to repeat these wins every time they get in front of a camera.

They really need to sell it and drive it home all over the place. Don't make it nuanced, big ol bold statements work well. Hope they don't run out of steam, keep on keeping on Dark Brandon. Next thing you know, commie healthcare outta nowhere.
Speaking of Biden fucking...

In other news today his daughter's diary, the one where it mentions showering with dad, (Pedo Joe) has created some DOJ activity.

If Biden had made a loan from his own money it would not be anyones concern if he chose to forgive or restructure a debt agreement.

Except that's not how this Berniesque thing happened.

Not to mention, it's sort of a parental Nanny State assumption and bad parenting at that, to tell a kid, if you mow the lawn and get good grades etc, I'll loan you some money to buy the thing you want, but then cave in and say, "aww fuck it kid, here's some sugary shit to eat, you don't have to mow the lawn anymore and don't have to pay me back, just sit there playing video games and get fatter and dumber, Daddy will bail your sorry purple haired ass out as long as you keep voting for me or my friends to be your daddy.

Bribing kids is something I think Biden has alot of experience with. Ahem.

I didn't see you up in here crying about the TCJA of 2017. Thanks for paying your taxes Rob.
Precisely because you are shut out of what most others enjoy since it's tied to your credit score.

There was an intersting article by Tom Woods published today at A graph indicated a majority of the "debt forgiveness" would benefit students from rich and upper middle class income brackets.

The "poor" students represented less than 6%. I'm not in favor of a government executive trying to buy votes, but it appears the votes he may have "bought" were from higher incomes.

Government morons...can't even cheat right.
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