Biden & Harris :)

Looks like Harris will actually be the one that breaks the glass ceiling, I doubt senile Biden makes to the end of the year.

Truly sad day for the country that this is the best the Democrats could find to compete against Trump. Good thing he was nice enough to bury himself or you clowns would have lost again.
I can't wait till Harris rips Trump a new fontanelle.
Looks like Harris will actually be the one that breaks the glass ceiling, I doubt senile Biden makes to the end of the year.

Truly sad day for the country that this is the best the Democrats could find to compete against Trump. Good thing he was nice enough to bury himself or you clowns would have lost again.

Wow that's some dumbass mental Judo. You're the one who is voting for him. Damn you're too stupid to know when you're owning yourself.

Harris is going to burn Trump to the ground. Trump uses the insults of an 8 year old.
Looks like Harris will actually be the one that breaks the glass ceiling, I doubt senile Biden makes to the end of the year.

Truly sad day for the country that this is the best the Democrats could find to compete against Trump. Good thing he was nice enough to bury himself or you clowns would have lost again.
Wasn’t Hillary supposed to be dead about 4 years ago too?

Get some new material you fucking hacks
You replied some liberal horseshit when I posted that I would not be voting to reelect him. I also said I was"tapping out" on this election because I wont help the pervert you want either.
The Lincoln Project are conservatives I'm a liberal, comes from the same root as liberty, means the rule of constitutions and law, the only way forward. Economic ideology of left or right has nothing to do with being a liberal, being liberal has to do with freedom under the protection of the constitution and under the rule of law. The alternative offered by Trump is something called fascism, look the definition of both words up, liberal and fascist, Trump and those who follow him are not conservatives, those folks left the republican party, or were driven out as RHINO's, they drove out the brains of the party and now they are making anti Trump ads, good ones too.
You replied some liberal horseshit when I posted that I would not be voting to reelect him. I also said I was"tapping out" on this election because I wont help the pervert you want either.
So, just curious, what was the straw that broke the camel's back for ya?

Trump has a professionally assessed IQ of 78, yet a moron completely owned the GOP house, senate and base, still does. These guys sold out and slaughtered their own citizens by the tens of thousands over fear of a mean tweet FFS. The south is being massacred and the midwest is next on the chopping block, all were red states, no testing no PPE, no plan 7 months in. He wanted to punish the blue states so he killed testing with Jared, he never thought it would be a red state problem and really did believe it would magically go away, he still does.

What is happening in America fits the criteria for a crime against humanity according to international human rights law. Where I live there is very little covid and I can travel to Europe if I wish, all America's peer nations have this pandemic under reasonable control.
I can't wait till Harris rips Trump a new fontanelle.

Wow that's some dumbass mental Judo. You're the one who is voting for him. Damn you're too stupid to know when you're owning yourself.

Harris is going to burn Trump to the ground. Trump uses the insults of an 8 year old.
The role of veep has always been to say the difficult things that need to be said so that the presidential candidate can focus on the bigger picture in his statements.

She has a cutting wit. I so look forward to hearing her shred Trump and Pence.