Biden & Harris :)

I am not hinting at anything. I am trying to keep this simple. You seem to have some serious hang ups, especially about Kamala .

I really admire Kamala. I respect her so much . She is a beautiful, brilliant, confident Women who has worked hard for the people of this country. How can anyone not admire those qualities and strengths and be thrilled she has been nominated as Biden’s VP ?

you could be a white man- they're terrified she's Elena Bobbitt..she is.

John Bobbitt relives the moment when he realized he no longer had a penis:

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Biden & Harris are the DNC's way of giving Trump a fighting chance.
He's got no visions and was complicit in every foreign policy disaster of the past 40 years.
She's about the least likeable black woman within a 100 mile radius.
As if Bernie's imaginary friends would have finally shown up to vote for Biden if not for Harris.
I haven't seen a rational argument come from you, so, you get what you put into the relationship.
I'd argue that my burden is lower, since both these gentlemen started attacking me.

and i had two: How a politician who was in line with all the worst foreign policy mistakes is fit to be president, is beyond me.
And something about the nature of societal contracts.
I'd argue that my burden is lower, since both these gentlemen started attacking me.

and i had two: How a politician who was in line with all the worst foreign policy mistakes is fit to be president, is beyond me.
And something about the nature of societal contracts.

This is 2020, not 2003. The election is between Trump and Biden. How you could think Biden is worse than Trump because of what happened 17 years ago is beyond me.

Trump is sending his own shock troops into cities to arrest and disappear people under extralegal orders, he committed treason and got away with it because the Senate is under his thumb. We need a government that follows the rule of law, not talk about the breaking of societal contract as if there was one to begin with.
But yet you support a President that " LET THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS DIE". WTF is up with that ? Trump lets our People in our Military get Killed, he lets american's die because he deny's the " TRUMP VIRUS" Yes the trump virus he owns it now along with the Murder of 100 thousand American's or more. You Trumpers Make me Sick. Calling Biden a perv when Trumps the Biggest of all Perverts. You're Freaking Sad Humans.

Should Biden maybe put a Self Tan on and Color his hair like your hero Donny the Pervert if Trump didn't have on all the make up and all the money he would have no hair at all and look like Darth Vader. So maybe Joe should color his hair back to Dark and put on some Spray tan for you Traitors to the U.S.

Trumps a Killer Period He should be locked up for all his crimes against American's he has Divided the U.S. into two sectors of People, Real American's that want him gone and Traitors to Real American's.

He's lifted Regulations that let on the Great Lakes that will cause Pfas into Drinking water, took 13 million away from Clean Water Act, He's a walking idiot who knows NOTHING about bringing People together. His base isn't big enough to win he's lost most of them to his stupidity.

Biden/Harris 2020. Bring America back from the Death Spiral Trump and his Cronies have done.
I truly can’t imagine life if this ticket doesn’t win and the current administration is in place for another four years .So many good people at breaking points . Feels like the most important big picture vote I will ever be apart of .
But yet you support a President that " LET THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS DIE". WTF is up with that ? Trump lets our People in our Military get Killed, he lets american's die because he deny's the " TRUMP VIRUS" Yes the trump virus he owns it now along with the Murder of 100 thousand American's or more. You Trumpers Make me Sick. Calling Biden a perv when Trumps the Biggest of all Perverts. You're Freaking Sad Humans.

Should Biden maybe put a Self Tan on and Color his hair like your hero Donny the Pervert if Trump didn't have on all the make up and all the money he would have no hair at all and look like Darth Vader. So maybe Joe should color his hair back to Dark and put on some Spray tan for you Traitors to the U.S.

Trumps a Killer Period He should be locked up for all his crimes against American's he has Divided the U.S. into two sectors of People, Real American's that want him gone and Traitors to Real American's.

He's lifted Regulations that let on the Great Lakes that will cause Pfas into Drinking water, took 13 million away from Clean Water Act, He's a walking idiot who knows NOTHING about bringing People together. His base isn't big enough to win he's lost most of them to his stupidity.

Biden/Harris 2020. Bring America back from the Death Spiral Trump and his Cronies have done.

and lest we forget, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
You seem to have some serious hang ups, especially about Kamala .
You're at least partially right. My opinion was solely based on the debates, I hadn't looked into the details of her career until just now.
It reads too dense to be purely opportunistic. here you have my previous take on her.
In the debates I found her needlessly demeaning towards others while being rather light on the details herself, much black-and-white thinking.
Now you can start inferring shit about me
And I'm single payer or bust. Public health only works if all healthy people pay in. yada yada.