Biden is screwed

i am liking your compassionate posts more and more..

how about we both try..

i watch the press conferences with the press secretary and the president...[betsies you don't]

i watch the msm news and fox..the press reports are cthe only real avenue..unless you like hearing stuff other people made up

that is where the data is.......

how about you doing both to so you can have a balanced opinion..and not second hand filitered through lefty land
the press conferences are the best place to be told that this hoax can be cured by injecting bleach

you retard
Lot's of senior voters are changing their minds about Trump and turning against him, age often brings wisdom, what happened to you? Had a stroke or something? :D

yes age brought wisdom...we used to be much more left wing..until thepc/sjw/ lefties drove me out with their silly idiocy agenda's

i was aa lefy before i realized that USA is the only hope for the world and Donnie Trump is the ONLY one who can do it

i laughwd at him toutil he gotelected ,,and then it was

",,this Trump guy is the only one i have ever seen who actually does what he says he will do..."
yes age brought wisdom...we used to be much more left wing..until thepc/sjw/ lefties drove me out with their silly idiocy agenda's

i was aa lefy before i realized that USA is the only hope for the world and Donnie Trump is the ONLY one who can do it

i laughwd at him toutil he gotelected ,,and then it was

",,this Trump guy is the only one i have ever seen who actually does what he says he will do..."
yeah it was great how he got mexico to pay for that wall

you brainwashed idiot
As a professional, I feel honored when I'm the one chosen to solve a really difficult, critical job with no clear path forward.
That's what leadership looks like: stepping up to lead, listening the expert advisers, and taking responsibility for the decisions made and not made. Shockingly, publicly stating you take no responsibility, asking others to make decisions on their own and then criticizing those decisions, and attacking every person who disagrees with your lack of organization and structured responses, is not what leadership looks like. Who knew, right?
Something needs to get yer attention son, a lot of folks are dying and you are being a fool who is helping to raise the death toll. I figure yer just an antisocial troll and don't give a shit about it too much, just "trying to trigger the libs" and getting shit on instead, yer just a glutton for punishment, I can help with that.
100000 just a blip lmao more di
Something needs to get yer attention son, a lot of folks are dying and you are being a fool who is helping to raise the death toll. I figure yer just an antisocial troll and don't give a shit about it too much, just "trying to trigger the libs" and getting shit on instead, yer just a glutton for punishment, I can help with that.
Hahaha your right I could care less. 100000 is just a blip those people were gonna die anyway it saves us money on their health care
100000 just a blip lmao more di

Hahaha your right I could care less. 100000 is just a blip those people were gonna die anyway it saves us money on their health care
Like I said, ya prove yer an asshole with every post ya make. You have mental health issues similar to Donald's
",,this Trump guy is the only one i have ever seen who actually does what he says he will do..."

Like eliminate the deficit? Like building the wall with Mexico’s money? Like hire only the best people?

He did follow through on a racist and xenophobic immigration policy though. I’m sure that’s the kind of stuff you’re referring to and that tells me all I need to know about you.
100000 just a blip lmao more di

Hahaha your right I could care less. 100000 is just a blip those people were gonna die anyway it saves us money on their health care
The experience in Sweden shows that "just letting the virus kill them" results in many more dead and an economy that isn't any better off.

Still, though, your post is useful in that it shows Trump's Republicans have become a death cult with no socially redeeming value. So, thanks for that.
That's what leadership looks like: stepping up to lead, listening the expert advisers, and taking responsibility for the decisions made and not made. Shockingly, publicly stating you take no responsibility, asking others to make decisions on their own and then criticizing those decisions, and attacking every person who disagrees with your lack of organization and structured responses, is not what leadership looks like. Who knew, right?
I was mainly alluding to how much I respect Biden for volunteering to lead in a fairly desperate time. But yeah, Trump is an example of who should not be in a position of leadership whenever the shit hits the fan.
The experience in Sweden shows that "just letting the virus kill them" results in many more dead and an economy that isn't any better off.

Still, though, your post is useful in that it shows Trump's Republicans have become a death cult with no socially redeeming value. So, thanks for that.
Your welcome
Yeah, my sarcasm was not aimed at you. I agree, 100%.
I was mainly alluding to how much I respect Biden for volunteering to lead in a fairly desperate time. But yeah, Trump is an example of who should not be in a position of leadership whenever the shit hits the fan.