Biden is screwed

Good for you, but the real question is ...

are you gonna vote for Mitch McConnell?

Moscow Mitch is Donald's biggest enabler and is just as much a traitor to the nation as Trump. He refused to stop Russian election interference in the 2016 election with full knowledge of it. He has single handedly stopped national progress for over a decade and many unsolved issues can be laid on his doorstep along with hundreds of bills to benefit America. The man is a traitor and is just as unfit for government as Trump, another national disgrace and con man, only a sucker would vote for him or Donald.
Good for you, but the real question is ...

are you gonna vote for Mitch McConnell?

I hate Mitch. I hate all policians that have been in politics their whole lives. Want to make a real difference in this country? Term limits for congress. Just my opinion of course.
Moscow Mitch is Donald's biggest enabler and is just as much a traitor to the nation as Trump. He refused to stop Russian election interference in the 2016 election with full knowledge of it. He has single handedly stopped national progress for over a decade and many unsolved issues can be laid on his doorstep along with hundreds of bills to benefit America. The man is a traitor and is just as unfit for government as Trump, another national disgrace and con man, only a sucker would vote for him or Donald.
But on the real, Biden's only shot is to get someone like Michelle Obama as his VP. He's screwed; like the thread says.
The governments always gna be Big Brother so either way it doesn't even matter because not even the president can really control it all since a number of these agencies ask above the law, just look at our own lil hit squad we trained and fund in the med sea. But The president silencing all these doctor like the head of barda Dr Bright ( if you haven't watched his testimony i recommend you do) and with all the promoting of hydrochloride for trumps own financial gain we are screwed reopening with absolutely no guidelines and are bound for a huge resurgence in covid this fall/winter.