Biden pardon all federal possession of cannabis

How about pardoning someone that did time! You no like small growers that got caught up in the war on pot I know over a dozen people that have gone to club fed for yrs for personal grows those days are gone now in my state but we all carry the felony card for the rest of our life.
I think that is still in the cards. It’ll help if we stop electing fascists who appoint dominionist judges.
How about pardoning someone that did time! You no like small growers that got caught up in the war on pot I know over a dozen people that have gone to club fed for yrs for personal grows those days are gone now in my state but we all carry the felony card for the rest of our life.
he can't pardon most of them, most mj charges are state, not have to be in a national park, or on federal property for him to be able to pardon ANYONE FOR ANYTHING...
Bernie Sanders is a nice guy, with good intentions..but he has one failing that really annoys me...he is unwilling to compromise. he wants everything, yesterday, with interest for the time he had to wait...
take what you get when you get something, be glad you got it, and keep working for everything else you want.
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That dude is saying it's not enough, lots of people picked up federal charges for stuff like small time cultivation and dealing. Bidens thing is just possession, like a park ranger busts you for having a joint in a national park.
So what, all 200 of them? Most charges are state level and below. This is the same Biden, one of the architects of the drug war, along with his sidekick Kamala Harris, who locked up black and brown people for simple possession? Gotta be some low-IQ moron to believe this shit.
Sounds like a good edgy Republican talking point, but it is pretty much all bullshit.
So what, all 200 of them? Most charges are state level and below. This is the same Biden, one of the architects of the drug war, along with his sidekick Kamala Harris, who locked up black and brown people for simple possession? Gotta be some low-IQ moron to believe this shit.
I’ll see your imprisonment of brown people and raise you family sunderings and alleged involuntary hysterectomies.
Since you seem prone to be all butthurt based on the one interaction I have had with you, I will break down my shit post about it.

So what, all 200 of them?
6500 from what I heard.

Most charges are state level and below.
Which is not something that Biden can do anything about, which is why he strongly requested state governors follow his lead.

This is the same Biden, one of the architects of the drug war, along with his sidekick Kamala Harris, who locked up black and brown people for simple possession?
Ever bother to look at the bullshit trolling about Harris while she was AG?

There was a huge drop in cases the year after she took office.

I guess Leafly is Republican too?
Who knows, does it matter? Biden has had a what 50 year long career, when you look at crime stats in the 90's there was a lot to clean up at the time. There were a lot of parts in the crime bill for example that were not things he wanted in it, and ultimately sucked, but over the decades shit gets learned. And it is disingenuous to pretend like what we all know as a nation now is not far more than we did in the 90s when it comes to cannabis.

Shit in the 90s my dad was kicking my ass for finding pot in my room. And now he is growing.

Time change, take the win.

Yeah, that's what I thought...