Biden pardon all federal possession of cannabis

No it's not in my mind. I could care less about Hunter Biden. The timing of this action is quite apparent. It bumped the Hunter story off the front page and now the news cycle is moving on and the Hunter story is buried pages back. I would have thought that you would understand the strategies used to control the news cycle. You always keep an ace in the hole in case you need to pull it out and take control of the narrative. I'm sure Biden has a few more tricks up his sleeve to use when the need arises.

The irrelevant Hunter possible indictment story isn't going away and will resurface. When it does it will be an old story and will just be dismissed with comments about due process, let it play out in the courts, etc... Then they'll pivot to another giveaway of something that makes some people happy and some people angry. And on and on it goes. Politics as usual. Same old story, same old song and dance.

I agree he's irrelevant regarding this thread.
No it's not in my mind. I could care less about Hunter Biden. The timing of this action is quite apparent. It bumped the Hunter story off the front page and now the news cycle is moving on and the Hunter story is buried pages back. I would have thought that you would understand the strategies used to control the news cycle. You always keep an ace in the hole in case you need to pull it out and take control of the narrative. I'm sure Biden has a few more tricks up his sleeve to use when the need arises.

The irrelevant Hunter possible indictment story isn't going away and will resurface. When it does it will be an old story and will just be dismissed with comments about due process, let it play out in the courts, etc... Then they'll pivot to another giveaway of something that makes some people happy and some people angry. And on and on it goes. Politics as usual. Same old story, same old song and dance.

No. Judges Cannon and Thomas are quite enough to take the news cycle away. This was not tactical.
I agree he's irrelevant regarding this thread.

Yes he's totally irrelevant. Nobody voted for him, he holds no position of power. He's made mistakes and has issues and problems just like millions of other people. The only reason he's news is because he's the President's son and these days family is fair game in today's gutter politics.
Yes he's totally irrelevant. Nobody voted for him, he holds no position of power. He's made mistakes and has issues and problems just like millions of other people. The only reason he's news is because he's the President's son and these days family is fair game in today's gutter politics.
You have a very good understanding of Republicans, having been a supporter of them. ,
You have a very good understanding of Republicans, having been a supporter of them. ,

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

You need to take a chill pill and give it a rest. Yes I've voted for Republicans and yes I am closer to moderate Republicans on some issues. I've voted for Democrats the last 5 Presidential elections and I've voted Democrat for Oregon Governor my entire life while also voting for Republican Senators..

I'm not stuck on the Us vs Them.

I'm proud of every vote I've cast and am not ashamed in my beliefs in any way. If they bother you that's not my problem. It's something you'll need to deal with.

The right vs left nonsense is just that. Nonsense. There are good, smart people with good ideas on both sides of the isle. The problem is that they're drowned out by the extremes on both sides. The only side I'm on is the United States of America and myself. Everyone else can play the stupid point the finger game. They think different than I do! They're all Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Enemy! Us vs Them, Us vs Them, Us vs Them, Blah blah blah...

Now that there is no doubt you have a better understanding of me maybe you can give your tacky comments a rest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having supported Republicans despite what you seem to think. Go find someone that you might be able to change because it sure as hell isn't me.
You say that as if it's a bad thing.

You need to take a chill pill and give it a rest. Yes I've voted for Republicans and yes I am closer to moderate Republicans on some issues. I've voted for Democrats the last 5 Presidential elections and I've voted Democrat for Oregon Governor my entire life while also voting for Republican Senators..

I'm not stuck on the Us vs Them.

I'm proud of every vote I've cast and am not ashamed in my beliefs in any way. If they bother you that's not my problem. It's something you'll need to deal with.

The right vs left nonsense is just that. Nonsense. There are good, smart people with good ideas on both sides of the isle. The problem is that they're drowned out by the extremes on both sides. The only side I'm on is the United States of America and myself. Everyone else can play the stupid point the finger game. They think different than I do! They're all Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Enemy! Us vs Them, Us vs Them, Us vs Them, Blah blah blah...

Now that there is no doubt you have a better understanding of me maybe you can give your tacky comments a rest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having supported Republicans despite what you seem to think. Go find someone that you might be able to change because it sure as hell isn't me.
You misread me. As a former Republican, you would have seen more of the kind of campaign literature than I would have. All I get is the bland facts-based political flyers that Democrats use. You know, something like "Val Hoyle supports women's reproductive rights. Kurt Schrader supports a full ban." Stuff like that. So, you'd know better than I how Republicans will use Hunter in their propaganda.

I miss the days when Republicans thought terrorism was a bad thing. The party you supported at least paid lip service to democracy. The Oregon Republican Party issued this memorandum after the Jan 6 insurrection:

On Jan. 19, members of the Oregon GOP’s 22-person executive committee approved a resolution that suggested, in part, that the attack might have been a “false flag” designed by foes of President Donald Trump in order to discredit him.

From women's right to choose, to environmental issues, funding education and what is to be taught in schools, Republicans are trying to drag Oregon into the dark ages. I've never been a Republican and don't understand why anybody would. You, on the other hand, bring a different perspective on the matter and I read your posts to learn about their backward ways.
You misread me. As a former Republican, you would have seen more of the kind of campaign literature than I would have. All I get is the bland facts-based political flyers that Democrats use. You know, something like "Val Hoyle supports women's reproductive rights. Kurt Schrader supports a full ban." Stuff like that. So, you'd know better than I how Republicans will use Hunter in their propaganda.

I miss the days when Republicans thought terrorism was a bad thing. The party you supported at least paid lip service to democracy. The Oregon Republican Party issued this memorandum after the Jan 6 insurrection:

On Jan. 19, members of the Oregon GOP’s 22-person executive committee approved a resolution that suggested, in part, that the attack might have been a “false flag” designed by foes of President Donald Trump in order to discredit him.

From women's right to choose, to environmental issues, funding education and what is to be taught in schools, Republicans are trying to drag Oregon into the dark ages. I've never been a Republican and don't understand why anybody would. You, on the other hand, bring a different perspective on the matter and I read your posts to learn about their backward ways.
Not just Oregon.
I broke with the GOP once it became clear to me that they’d aligned too closely with political Christians, meaning that as a centrist I no longer fit in.

I think the most remarkable transformation was that I stopped being a single-issue voter focused on the Second Amendment. Once that anchor was off the shoal, the Tea Party and subsequent Republican silliness moved me to my current left-of-center stance. Maga turned an estrangement into outright divorce. What strikes me now is how Republicans in power have hardened behind a repudiation of being, well, republican.
Biden’s been in politics for something like 280 years so it would be exceptional if he didn’t contribute to the war on drugs at some point during his career. Germany (of all places pretty strict on non-alcoholic drugs) legalizing next year, Thailand relaxing a lot (not for tourists necessarily), Italy, and other places you might not expect to legalize anytime soon are moving fast. It’s pretty much inevitable in most places, only obstacle is conservative governments.

I don’t know or care about the timing and whatever the scope is of the actual effect at this point or ulterior motives. I get it, Trump, pandemic, Putin, economic instability, so much negativity. Forgot all that for a minute and read the statement of the president of the US:

If it weren’t for all the misery in the world media right now it would be pretty big news internationally, coming from the nation whose previous presidents (Nixon, Reagan, Bush) started the war on drugs. Not just people in prisons in the US because of them. Next UN council meeting on this matter is going to be different, there’s a few treaties we need to get rid of (if anything to remove the final excuses of centrist politicians) and that just needs a few more nudges to happen. So yeah, great news.
His healthcare bill was authoritarian. 'Everybody will lose the health care coverage they like and there can be no opting out by anybody.' 'The ACA (that has strong support) should never have been enacted'. Also, yes, his unwillingness to compromise -- 'It's everything or nothing, so I'll settle for nothing'. And that's what Bernie's supporters got.

He has a long history of siding with dictators, including Maduro as recently as 2019.
Damn authoritarians would eventually actually take my stuff from my house if I would opt out of paying 130 bucks a month to have complete coverage. Why won’t they give me the freedumb to opt out of this one specific form of taxation that’s actually good for me or at least let me choose my own free market scam? :)

I think the article you linked shows failing journalism and a politician who refuses to play childis(h sensational media games. They wanted a yes to ask their next questions where they’d blame socialism and equate it with Bernie.

I’ll take your word for it, him not being what your country needs, but ‘Unwillingness to compromise’ doesn’t sound that bad when drastic changes are needed. Send him over, we’ll take him, he’ll fit right in.
Damn authoritarians would eventually actually take my stuff from my house if I would opt out of paying 130 bucks a month to have complete coverage. Why won’t they give me the freedumb to opt out of this one specific form of taxation that’s actually good for me or at least let me choose my own free market scam? :)

I think the article you linked shows failing journalism and a politician who refuses to play childis(h sensational media games. They wanted a yes to ask their next questions where they’d blame socialism and equate it with Bernie.

I’ll take your word for it, him not being what your country needs, but ‘Unwillingness to compromise’ doesn’t sound that bad when drastic changes are needed. Send him over, we’ll take him, he’ll fit right in.
Politics is the art of the possible. When unwillingness to compromise is combined with
a: a platform that has to be sold uphill to gain traction, and
b: a refusal of solidarity with the nominal host party in a time of serious crisis,
it is that bad.

When misapplication of principle has the result of abetting the authoritarians, it is the result by which I judge the man.
You misread me. As a former Republican, you would have seen more of the kind of campaign literature than I would have. All I get is the bland facts-based political flyers that Democrats use. You know, something like "Val Hoyle supports women's reproductive rights. Kurt Schrader supports a full ban." Stuff like that. So, you'd know better than I how Republicans will use Hunter in their propaganda.

I miss the days when Republicans thought terrorism was a bad thing. The party you supported at least paid lip service to democracy. The Oregon Republican Party issued this memorandum after the Jan 6 insurrection:

On Jan. 19, members of the Oregon GOP’s 22-person executive committee approved a resolution that suggested, in part, that the attack might have been a “false flag” designed by foes of President Donald Trump in order to discredit him.

From women's right to choose, to environmental issues, funding education and what is to be taught in schools, Republicans are trying to drag Oregon into the dark ages. I've never been a Republican and don't understand why anybody would. You, on the other hand, bring a different perspective on the matter and I read your posts to learn about their backward ways.

The GOP in Oregon at the state level are a bunch of nutcases. I would never vote for them and they don't win in the district I vote in. I'm talking about Statewide for federal office. Mark Hatfield, Gordon Smith, were Republican Senators that I voted for but those guys were from a different era than these qanon groupies in the Republican party today. Hell, going back Tom McCall was an excellent Governor and he was a Republican but those days of normal people are long gone.
Damn authoritarians would eventually actually take my stuff from my house if I would opt out of paying 130 bucks a month to have complete coverage. Why won’t they give me the freedumb to opt out of this one specific form of taxation that’s actually good for me or at least let me choose my own free market scam? :)

I think the article you linked shows failing journalism and a politician who refuses to play childis(h sensational media games. They wanted a yes to ask their next questions where they’d blame socialism and equate it with Bernie.

I’ll take your word for it, him not being what your country needs, but ‘Unwillingness to compromise’ doesn’t sound that bad when drastic changes are needed. Send him over, we’ll take him, he’ll fit right in.
Bernie's health care bill was not a finished product. The hotel industry service workers union in Nevada said it best: We fought for the health care coverage our workers receive and we aren't willing to give it up for a vague promise. What he was telling more than 200 million people was they had to give up the healthcare coverage they like for something that was just high sounding words with no substance. That isn't going to fly anywhere. Sanders, if he had managed to squeak in as the Democratic nominee would have handed Trump a second term. As such, I considered him a threat at the time.
The GOP in Oregon at the state level are a bunch of nutcases. I would never vote for them and they don't win in the district I vote in. I'm talking about Statewide for federal office. Mark Hatfield, Gordon Smith, were Republican Senators that I voted for but those guys were from a different era than these qanon groupies in the Republican party today. Hell, going back Tom McCall was an excellent Governor and he was a Republican but those days of normal people are long gone.
OK, I hear you and can see how my direct challenge about "good Republicans" was misreading you. One has to go back decades for that label to sound true to me.

I miss the days when Republicans like Hatfield could win a Republican primary. McCall could never win a GOP primary these days. Isn't he the one who prevented people from owning our beaches? I think the urban boundary system was enacted under him too. He was a good one. Respect him.

My experience with Oregon Republicans began in 1996, when I moved here from Idaho. I took notice of how out of touch they were when they forced Oregon voters to approve the Death with Dignity act -- twice. Once when we passed the initiative and twice when they refused to enact it into law, forcing us to vote for it again. Since then, every Republican I've heard speak has given me pause. broke my rule that was instilled in me by my Father.

"Never ask someone who they voted for".

This Kings Bread Auto from Crop King turned out pretty good! Nice, mellow, "thinky" high.

no worries; I’m not asking you.

But at someone doing a drive-by in this forum … it’s appropriate imo.

Sounds like a lot of Political foot stompin' could go on in in this. Are folks in all the States going to start paying closer attention to their State politicians or just keep driving the Federal line of attack?

Just a rhetorical question.
Sounds like a lot of Political foot stompin' could go on in in this. Are folks in all the States going to start paying closer attention to their State politicians or just keep driving the Federal line of attack?

Just a rhetorical question.

Bottom line is that even if Biden could just sign a piece of paper and declare cannabis no more illegal than buying a head of lettuce for a salad individual states can still enact and enforce their own laws.
