I don't see what appeal there is to even nominate him. Is it that he can reach across the aisle? Is it that he was Obama's VP? Is it experience?
It's not pragmatic, in my opinion, to simply hope he will flip-flop on every position he's ever held. He has just about the worst history I can imagine for a Dem candidate.
With Mitch in place reaching across the isle won't matter. Focusing on a couple 30 year old bills that have mixed results, and putting all of the bad of them on Biden is a reach. If you look over his entire career he has been solid for working class voters and human rights.
Remember again everything swings, Simple president lands us a Intellectual president, since he was black we get a racist president, and since Trump had zero experience, I am hoping the swing this time is to old and heavy experience. Let the 2024 election be the young guns once all the Russian interference crap and whatever wars Trump is heading us towards is somewhat cleaned up and the world has a chance to take a breath.
Biden Co-sponsored bills: Low income housing energy funding, struck telecoms immunity, support Iraqi government and brand Irans royal guard a terrorist organization, increase time between military deployments, reduce troops in Iraq, remove immunity for countries that fix oil prices, no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzalaz, Amtrak funding for public transportation studies and implementation, screening 100% of cargo containers entering the country, train security, raising minimum wage, $300m to people with flu vaccine injuries, req president to report to congress every 3 months on war in Iraq timelines and strategy, commission on treatment of detainees, Healthcare for vets, removing security clearances if info is given to unauthorized people, displeasure in EPA limits for mercury from smokestacks, increase funding for homeland security, Condemnation of Iraqi prisoner abuse, Prosecuting Hate crime bill, equal protection of voting rights, troop withdraw from Kosovo, Kosovo resolution, drinking and driving for minors, anti-terrorism wiretap expansion, Ryam White CARE reauthorization (aid and HIV funding extension), Boznia and Herzegovina self defense act, California Desert protection act, Prohibit employers from hiring scabs to permanently replace workers on strike, Expanding voter registration, Civil action on price fixing, national education goals and funding, and Family and medical leave.
I was curious about the Juvenile crime bill:
Vote Smart's Synopsis:
Vote to pass a bill that would strengthen penalties for juvenile criminals, establish youth rehabilitation programs and create other programs to reduce youth criminal activity.
- Authorizes juveniles 14 or older to be tried as adults in federal court if they commit serious violent or drug-related crimes.
- Subjects a juvenile who is charged as an adult in federal court to the same procedures and penalties as adults, but prohibits sentencing anyone under age 18 to death.
- Prohibits housing juvenile offenders in the same facilities as adults, but allows certain rural areas with limited juvenile facilities wider latitude in this regard.
- Authorizes $5 billion over the next five years for programs to prevent juvenile crime, including $450 million in block grants to states for juvenile accountability programs and $435 million for prevention programs.
- Strengthens penalties for individuals recruiting youths into street gangs.
- Establishes the National Parenting Support and Education Commission to provide parents with advice on how to keep their children away from crime.
- Requires mandatory background checks prior to the sale of firearms at gun shows or pawn shops.
- Increases penalties for possession of firearms by a juvenile, possession of firearms or ammunition on school property, and transfer of weapons or ammunition to a juvenile.
- Requires child safety devices be sold with all handguns.
- Prohobits Internet sales of weapons or explosives.
- Calls for a study of the effect of violence in video games and music on children.---------------------------------------------------------------------