Well-Known Member
I definitely need to check dates better when I Google.
I definitely need to check dates better when I Google.
I'd go with Merrick Garland :shrug:The both sides bad argument died when Trump was caught trying to bribe Ukraine.
The two sides are not even in the same universe.
"There is no right party, only parties that are less shitty than others. "Can you show me where I compared fascists with democrats and can you show me where I said they were both bad in any sort of comparable manner?
I got allI got my job with fake poss. Lab test too. I know it might not be worth the risk to you. That's understandable when It comes to a career but I had no problems with it .. its called monkey business or some shit lol
But who would ever say "Tonya Harding and Hitler are not good people"? It's ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as saying that people who believe Democrats eat babies and support the violent overthrowing of our election are just as bad as Democrats.You're ignoring any degree of nuance. If I say that Tonya Harding and Hitler are not good people and that one is shittier than the other, you'd have to manufacture the equivalence yourself, because there is no equivalence being presented. It's not propaganda, it's that your sensitivity is causing a misinterpretation, imo.
But who would ever say "Tonya Harding and Hitler are not good people"? It's ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as saying that people who believe Democrats eat babies and support the violent overthrowing of our election are just as bad as Democrats.
Here you claim "both sides are bad" is not equating the two sides? That too is ridiculous.
Why is it necessary to mention Republicans at all when talking about something you don't like that Democrats did? I can see why a down on his luck Republican -- or Bernie Baby -- might want to. They both crapped the bed during last year's election and see great value in dragging down the people who won. I think that is the whole purpose of bringing that dumbass comparison up. It's a propaganda play.
To say "both sides bad" is naive and completely misses how much has changed since that phrase was coined. There is no comparison to be made between Democrats and Republicans. Maybe once, a long time ago, but not any more.I 've never *only* said both sides are bad, you're just ignoring the other half of the comment and are being way too sensitive because Trump'ers have you all messed up and your eyes roll back and you stop reading/comprehending.
Us Americans aren't as awesome as we think we are, but there's an important distinction to be made, don't you think? Apparently not, because that distinction is what I've been saying and you don't like it. So do you prefer that there is no distinction? Wouldn't that mean that we're all the same? Uhhh ohhhhh....I thought you took issue with saying that everyone is the same, so why would you do that??
"There is no right party, only parties that are less shitty than others. "Sure, but you're talking to yourself. You're literally saying something and then complaining about it, because I'm not the guy that just says "both sides are bad". Might take your own advice there on the propaganda, because you're creating fake quotes and attributing them to me. That's propaganda.
You are confused.Wait, so if some parties aren't shittier than others, does that mean you're saying they're the same...while simultaneously complaining that people shouldn't say they're the same?
See, this is why I didn't want to do this with you, because you're so blindly fervently sensitive on this that you're willing to eat your own and create friction between people that shouldn't have any. Now here I am simply thinking you're an idiot that can't see past your own nose, and for what? We both hate Trump, but what the fuck good was all this just because you're being a crybaby little princess when someone doesn't instantly suckoff your blue gods. This is fucking stupid. This is exactly the problem with forcing everyone into one corner or another, the exact opposite of what liberalism is about. Well done, asshole, now you look just like a Trump'er to me when it comes to intellectual capacity. Exactly what I didn't want. Put me on your fucking block list.
The 'both sides trolling' really has lost something.The both sides bad argument died when Trump was caught trying to bribe Ukraine.
The two sides are not even in the same universe.
I'm not saying @mooray was trolling. Not at first. I was saying he's reciting propaganda using something like the "all politicians are corrupt" trope. By responding against his assertion, I'm engaging in counterpropaganda. Everything I said was factually correct and verifiable. Now, he's effing trying gaslight me, which puts him in a lower bracket along with the trolls.The 'both sides trolling' really has lost something.
waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh both sides!
I got my job with fake poss. Lab test too. I know it might not be worth the risk to you. That's understandable when It comes to a career but I had no problems with it .. its called monkey business or some shit lol
Now here I am simply thinking you're an idiot that can't see past your own nose
Nobody said Democrats should be free from criticism but to state they are the same as Republicans is bullshit.Nailed it.
It's laughable to think that Democrats should be free from criticism.
Nobody said Democrats should be free from criticism but to state they are the same as Republicans is bullshit.
Democrats aren’t trying to suppress votes. Democrats haven’t supported an insurrection and Democrats aren’t supported by conspiracy nuts and terrorists.