Biden won

Pfizer reports vaccine is 90% effective, stock market is booming, the news just keep getting better.

oh they announce this after he lost..see? he was right..this is going to give him a ton to talk about- remember the Comey October surprise? did Comey really need to do that? at 50k doses, nice but nothing really until next year and he will chew his cud.

Did Pzizer really need to tell us that there is a 90% effective drug with 50k doses today?

guaranteed to cause trouble and perhaps unseat the whole election if he thinks he has a chance..that he was right in some way, shape or form.

at least we were able to feel the darkness lifted for a few days..:sad:
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Donald and Mitch are going head to head, Donald wants to cling to power and save his ego at all costs, Mitch wants the Georgia senate seats. Donald being a pigheaded dummy is an important factor in American history at this point, it could give you control of the senate and thus the future. So Donald having an IQ of 78 and being a totally self centered desperate sociopath is important, people make history and you've got a fucking dandy making it now!

this is going to be great The Cryptkeeper v. Orange McThanos.
On the flip side, Denmark shut down the northern part of their country and is culling all the minks it has. It seems that the virus jumped to minks and back to humans and the mutated virus may be immune to the vaccines.
Its not a surprise, when are people going to start to leave the fucking animals be?

Are they still using mink pelts?
Just get it all over with already.

Fucking delay, deflect, deny. Give up already loser. Slink away in the night back under your stinking rock.

Idiot Americans falling for him and his bullshit.

Amazing? Not at all. America has been dumbing down for a long time.

Stand up for intelligence people.

And please COUNT EVERY LEGAL VOTE. I’ll pay for it.
oh they announce this after he lost..see? he was right..this is going to give him a ton to talk about- remember the Comey October surprise? did Comey really need to do that? at 50k doses, nice but nothing really until next year and he will chew his cud.
Here is how I think about this.

1. The Russians had for at least 4 years been setting up Hillary Clinton as the most corrupt official ever, and have the Republicans stopping any non/bi-partisan response to the attack.

2. A bunch of emails, mysteriously are found on Anthony Weiner's laptop, are going to be used by Giuliani as a way to cry foul because there is information being leaked to him as well as the Russian military amplifying everything in the feeds of the American people for Trump's benefit while attacking Clinton.


4. If Clinton wins, the Republicans hold the House and will be immediately impeaching Clinton, and having hearings to attack the FBI like they did anyways, but by trying to make it look like Comey was withholding information from the American public about Clinton.

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On the flip side, Denmark shut down the northern part of their country and is culling all the minks it has. It seems that the virus jumped to minks and back to humans and the mutated virus may be immune to the vaccines.

i'd need a link on that.

the largest way a 'jump' occurs, is the ingestion of fecal matter and not unusual for bat droppings to drop into food given the way the Chinese eat 'open air' and have wet markets that you touch or ingest it.

do they plan on consuming mink fecal matter?
i'd need a link on that.

the largest way a 'jump' occurs, is the ingestion of fecal matter and not unusual for bat droppings to drop into food given the way the Chinese eat 'open air' and have wet markets that you touch or ingest it.

do they plan on consuming mink fecal matter? Shot 2020-11-09 at 9.57.06 AM.png
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — More than a quarter million Danes went into lockdown Friday in a northern region of the country where a mutated variation of the coronavirus has infected minks being farmed for their fur, leading to an order to kill millions of the animals.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said the move was meant to contain the virus, and it came two days after the government ordered the cull of all 15 million minks bred at Denmark’s 1,139 mink farms.

The coronavirus evolves constantly and, to date, there is no evidence that any of the mutations pose an increased danger to people. But Danish authorities were not taking any chances.

“Instead of waiting for evidence, it is better to act quickly,” said Tyra Grove Krause, head department at Statens Serum Institut, a government agency that maps the spread of the coronavirus in Denmark.

In seven northern Danish municipalities with some 280,000 residents sport and cultural activities have been suspended, public transportation has been stopped and regional borders have been closed. Only people with so-called “critical functions” such as police and health officials and different authorities are being permitted to cross municipal boundaries.

People in the region have been urged to to be tested. As of Saturday, restaurants must close and school students from fifth grade and up will switch to remote learning Monday.

“We must knock down completely this virus variant,” Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said Thursday, adding that the mutated virus had been found in 12 people.

Last month, Denmark started culling millions of minks in the north of the country after COVID-19 infections were reported among the stock there. Nationwide, at least 216 out of the 1,139 fur farms in Denmark have now been infected.

Kaare Moelbak of Statens Serum Institut said the virus variant was registered in August and September, and no mutations have been found since, so it was not known if it still exists. The mutated virus was found in five mink farms, according to the government body.

WHO officials said each case needs to be evaluated to determine if any of the changes mean the virus behaves differently.

“We are a long, long way from making any determination of that kind,” said Mike Ryan, the WHO emergencies chief. He said that such mutations happen all the time in viruses.

“Right now the evidence that we have doesn’t suggest that this variant is in any way different in the way it behaves,” he said in Geneva.

Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO expert on food safety, said that initial studies on pigs, chickens and cattle “show that these species are not at all susceptible in the same way that mink are, for example. So even if these animals were infected, they would not be able to sustain and spread the disease in the same way.”

Britain on Friday said that people coming from Denmark must self-isolate for 14 days, adding the country to a list of countries it deems risky.

The Danish government said a mutation of the virus had been found in 12 people infected by minks, which farmers have been ordered to cull en masse, but experts said the significance of any variant strain and its effect on humans was unclear because it was yet to be studied.

Denmark, the world’s largest mink fur exporter, produces an estimated 17 million furs per year. Kopenhagen Fur, a cooperative of 1,500 Danish breeders, accounts for 40% of the global mink production. Most of its exports go to China and Hong Kong.

The pelts of the mink will be destroyed and Danish fur farmers have said the cull, which is estimated to cost up to 5 billion kroner ($785 million), may spell the end of the industry in the country.

Overall, Denmark has reported 53,180 cases of coronavirus and 738 deaths.
The thing bad about a protracted court decision is that Biden can not access money intended for him to start setting up his cabinet.

i wonder if they can use campaign money?

Trump is going to be one little bitch here and you can count on that.

maybe he'll take WH advisors 'decamp to mar-a-lago' for the rest of his would make the most sense but that's not what this is about for's fly in the ointment that he wishes.
it just needs to be on every thread for those in the future thousands of years from now in order to understand us..kind of like a digital time capsule.
You mean like as a warning to future generations? "If you aren't careful you'll end up with "music" like this" :D
Plus the those are something else.....
i'd need a link on that.

the largest way a 'jump' occurs, is the ingestion of fecal matter and not unusual for bat droppings to drop into food given the way the Chinese eat 'open air' and have wet markets that you touch or ingest it.

do they plan on consuming mink fecal matter?
Not sure that is correct with a respiratory virus. I'm no expert - obviously - but mink can probably exhale the virus just like humans and if you go into an indoor pen with dozens/hundreds of mink then that virus is going to hang in the air.