Biden won

I feel President Biden's success or failure will still depend greatly on COVID, barring war or something. One scenario for the 2022 midterms is that COVID has been pretty much licked and that the economy is really starting to roll. As someone said, Rounding the Corner, churches packed for Easter, Roaring Back. If that happens then inflation could be a problem. Wages always lag inflation. It's complicated. I doubt Georgia will elect two Democrat Senators. So I hope things can be better after mid terms.
Joe will have covid under control with in 60 to 90 days of assuming office, by summer there will be an abundance of testing and treatments, not as much PPE will be required, by fall many will be vaccinated. Within in 100 days of Joe assuming office travel restrictions will be lifted on Americans. Joe is not superman, he is a normal man and a normal president, if an American president can save 100,000 American lives or more, don't get in his way, it would be a very fucking bad mistake.
Joe will have covid under control with in 60 to 90 days of assuming office, by summer there will be an abundance of testing and treatments, not as much PPE will be required, by fall many will be vaccinated. Within in 100 days of Joe assuming office travel restrictions will be lifted on Americans. Joe is not superman, he is a normal man and a normal president, if an American president can save 100,000 American lives or more, don't get in his way, it would be a very fucking bad mistake.
Pretty sure Joe will make sure all Americans receive a vaccine as soon as possible. He won't play games and say "Be nice to me or you won't get the vaccine." He won't kill Americans to prove that he has the power to do so, like that fuck-up Trump has.
I found this interesting article which suggests Covid-19 is a respiratory virus that infects the blood cells....never heard of before, apparently. Scary shit!

You're late to the party, it enters through any mucus membrane nose,throat,mouth,lungs and eyes and does damage everywhere but once it infects the circulatory system that's where the most damage is done, it ca n even damage the blood vessels in the brain and break down the blood brain barrier.
You just can't make this shit up.

I can make a guess what they got on this guy to radicalize him into doing that.

I would think first about why this article is branding what this bill is. I don't know anything about this website other than it is the same name of the cable channel that I know is full on TrumpTV. But I am not going to jump the gun. There are a lot of numbers that are easy to check, but it looks like they are very heavy in the propaganda language.

The big thing I would think about is that 4.9 million Americans that do not have healthcare coverage that Biden wants to get covered is not a bad thing, and something that needs to be done. It is too costly to have people using the ERs of our hospitals when they could easily get treatment from a doctor if they had insurance coverage.

I think you are jumping the gun on Biden saying that he would want M4A if it is based on a story that is painting a narrative that what he is planning is 'Medicare for all lite'.

The propaganda worked really hard to paint the left as 'socialists' that are going to try to rake in all this money from the working people to do all these programs, when that isn't the case. Investing in our society is important and keeps us strong.
Newsmax is very much to the right, but they don't have the " wouldn't say s*** if they had a mouthful" attitude that you get from Faux.
The article stated that given their plans Biden and the Harris's plans would encompass 97% of all Americans.
Have you ever driven around Kentucky? I can't understand why that state is Right other than for religion. Poor people who work, or increasingly, did work in coal. Of course like everywhere else there are different areas.
So many people have insurance: veterans, Medicaid, government employees, etc. But yet so much of middle America is dead set against single payer. Moscow Mitch has insurance. Why don't the poor of Kentucky want what mitch has.
Pretty sure Joe will make sure all Americans receive a vaccine as soon as possible. He won't play games and say "Be nice to me or you won't get the vaccine." He won't kill Americans to prove that he has the power to do so, like that fuck-up Trump has.
Dunno about forcing vaccinations, but jailing those who refuse to wear masks and who break state public health laws will be actively encouraged and enforced federally. This might even include subtle hints about mass 2nd degree murder prosecutions and some states are gonna do that to Donald surer than shit, the feds might too, just to make a point. Shit some states are gonna do that to their own governors, there are a lot of very pissed off people and they have an excellent case in court.
You're late to the party, it enters through any mucus membrane nose,throat,mouth,lungs and eyes and does damage everywhere but once it infects the circulatory system that's where the most damage is done, it ca n even damage the blood vessels in the brain and break down the blood brain barrier.
Yeah I realise all of that. I was just making the point that it is a respiratory virus that affects other parts of the body, rather than a purely circulatory virus as @schuylaar was saying.
Pretty sure Joe will make sure all Americans receive a vaccine as soon as possible. He won't play games and say "Be nice to me or you won't get the vaccine." He won't kill Americans to prove that he has the power to do so, like that fuck-up Trump has.
Surveys say about half of Americans would refuse the vaccination. I've had people tell me they won't get vaccinated. People that I would have thought would have no problem with it. "You don't know what's in there". Is there anyone here that will not get vaccinated?
Surveys say about half of Americans would refuse the vaccination. I've had people tell me they won't get vaccinated. People that I would have thought would have no problem with it. "You don't know what's in there". Is there anyone here that will not get vaccinated?
It's a difficult one for many. I'd have no problem having a vaccine because on balance of probability I see it as better to have it than not. There are always people that put conspiracy theories before common sense.
It's a difficult one for many. I'd have no problem having a vaccine because on balance of probability I see it as better to have it than not. There are always people that put conspiracy theories before common sense.
Even if just half the country was vaccinated it would help tremendously with the rate of transmission, antibody treatments confir a few months of immunity too and they will be varied and abundant by the time a vaccine is deployed. Remember, this process will take a long time, there will be no need to force anybody and as time goes on and nobody grows a set of horns, confidence will increase to 60 or 70%, herd immunity.