Biden won

Many Germans said at the end of the second world war, "you liberated us too", many republican politicians might feel that way about Joe! He lifted the yoke of Donald from their necks and allowed them to act as human beings again, bad human beings, but it's a start.

sadly that's where moral compass is supposed to kick in..where you're not supposed to be part of the 62% who fall victim to Milgrim Experiment.
I'll let this speak for itself...

If you search 'loser' on Twitter, Trump is the first result

Search "loser" on Twitter, and the first search result under the "People" tab is President Donald Trump.
The results are based on patterns of what people are tweeting, a Twitter representative said Monday.
"These associations are temporary and ever-changing based on how people tweet," they said.
Trump has repeatedly called his opponents "losers" during his time at the White House.
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
President Donald Trump's time in the White House has been marked by his heavy and at times controversial Twitter usage, and he has often insulted his opponents and others by calling them "losers."

But now, if you search "loser" on Twitter, the first search result under the "People" tab is Trump himself.

Insider and its election partner, Decision Desk HQ, on Friday projected that Joe Biden would win the election, and other major outlets like The Associated Press and CNN called the race for Biden on Saturday.

Trump has refused to concede.

A Twitter representative told Business Insider on Monday that the search result was based on what people had been tweeting and that it might not last.

"If an account is mentioned often alongside certain terms, they can become algorithmically surfaced together as an association," the representative told Business Insider.

"These associations are temporary and ever-changing based on how people tweet."
Newsmax is very much to the right, but they don't have the " wouldn't say s*** if they had a mouthful" attitude that you get from Faux.
The article stated that given their plans Biden and the Harris's plans would encompass 97% of all Americans.
Have you ever driven around Kentucky? I can't understand why that state is Right other than for religion. Poor people who work, or increasingly, did work in coal. Of course like everywhere else there are different areas.
So many people have insurance: veterans, Medicaid, government employees, etc. But yet so much of middle America is dead set against single payer. Moscow Mitch has insurance. Why don't the poor of Kentucky want what mitch has.
Centuries of voter suppression will do that.

I believe that if you look at the number of voters and voting infrastructure (employees/machines to count/booths/checkin areas/etc) in these cities with large populations, and compare that with the suburbs and rural areas it would be easy to see why people have to wait 8 hours in cities vs in the other districts.

That is another evil of the gerrymandering scheme the Republicans ran in 2010 combined with decades of state suppression of these minority areas voting rights.
I'll let this speak for itself...

If you search 'loser' on Twitter, Trump is the first result

Search "loser" on Twitter, and the first search result under the "People" tab is President Donald Trump.
The results are based on patterns of what people are tweeting, a Twitter representative said Monday.
"These associations are temporary and ever-changing based on how people tweet," they said.
Trump has repeatedly called his opponents "losers" during his time at the White House.
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
President Donald Trump's time in the White House has been marked by his heavy and at times controversial Twitter usage, and he has often insulted his opponents and others by calling them "losers."

But now, if you search "loser" on Twitter, the first search result under the "People" tab is Trump himself.

Insider and its election partner, Decision Desk HQ, on Friday projected that Joe Biden would win the election, and other major outlets like The Associated Press and CNN called the race for Biden on Saturday.

Trump has refused to concede.

A Twitter representative told Business Insider on Monday that the search result was based on what people had been tweeting and that it might not last.

"If an account is mentioned often alongside certain terms, they can become algorithmically surfaced together as an association," the representative told Business Insider.

"These associations are temporary and ever-changing based on how people tweet."

algorthms are a bitch and quite telling:lol:

Surveys say about half of Americans would refuse the vaccination. I've had people tell me they won't get vaccinated. People that I would have thought would have no problem with it. "You don't know what's in there". Is there anyone here that will not get vaccinated?
I guess I'm in the half of people who won't get one. At least at this point. And it has nothing to do with conspiracy or politics. I'll wear the mask, kinda like it. But as far as a vaccine to me it's a risk/ benefit ratio st this point. If I were at risk I wouldn't think differently I'm sure. Or if I lived with any at risk people I would likely get one.
Centuries of voter suppression will do that.

I believe that if you look at the number of voters and voting infrastructure (employees/machines to count/booths/checkin areas/etc) in these cities with large populations, and compare that with the suburbs and rural areas it would be easy to see why people have to wait 8 hours in cities vs in the other districts.

That is another evil of the gerrymandering scheme the Republicans ran in 2010 combined with decades of state suppression of these minority areas voting rights.
Yes and the Electoral College. Wyoming has three. One for every 175000 people. California has 58? So one for every 700,000 people. Approximately.
And this is also why Trump wants to screw up the Census.
Yes and the Electoral College. Wyoming has three. One for every 175000 people. California has 58? So one for every 700,000 people. Approximately.
And this is also why Trump wants to screw up the Census.
The census screwing around sucks ass, and is very scary. Between that and the judges it is going to be a long 10 years.

Im cool with the land weighted presidential election system we have here. Our rural communities would get screwed otherwise. And as we are now learning, our lands natural resources and the impact it has on the entire global environment, the land really does need to be considered.

We just as a society need to be able to vote without the roadblocks.
Colorado Springs has a liberal paper. People don't realize how conservative it is there. Do a search on the activities of the religious right toward the U. S. Air Force Academy.
it's a healthy mix: manitou springs is 100% liberal, focus on the family is 100% conservative. more liberals from denver are moving south which is good.
Biden has outsmarted Trump and set up the Transition Teams months ago under the guise of 'Foreign Policy' team:lol:

the vid Beau referenced:

Wait until Trump finds out..+rep Joe!:clap:
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