I'm glad you do, I don't.
I felt great for around 3 day's 2 weeks ago when Biden won the electon, but now I'm pissed off again.
I'm sooo fucking sick of Trump & the Republican assholes that are going along with Trump's BS.
Trump is a fucking Madman, & they're going along wiith it?
Fucking McConnell & Graham were reelected from those shithole states & they essentially are holding up this Nation's progress during a National calamity/disaster.
There're fucking Trators to the Constitution.
The Nation overwhelming elected Biden, & that's an indisputable fact.
We don't have fucking time for this shit, people are going bankrupt/dying.
The additional, vital nessacery Aid package has been held since fucking July simply due too Republican opposition
They (McConnel/Graham) both deserve a fucking bullet (sorry to say, but that's the way I feel)
End this shit now, acknowledge the will of the people & move on & deal with the crisis we're in & do something about it.
10 AM & I feel like a drink & I'm fucking sick of it
Peace out/be safe & wear a mask (sorry for my rant & my fucking profanity
