
So you can't see that Biden is not a fully functional individual? And you don't know how Harris got into politics? What is wrong with you?
Anybody above 65 years old is not a fully functional individual. But sometimes 75% is better than 25%. Harris had a good Canadian upbringing and was not US indoctrinated in her formative years. She has more political experience than the Oh Great Orange one so you have nothing to stand on.
Reuters and AP are both biased but that is exactly what you want as apparently you have problems with any information not put out by your programmers. The videos are nothing but film clips of your Koolade maker Joe Biden.
Biased. That means they are no AON. Right.
Running a side bet with my sesh buddies on which repub knuckleheads get DELTA.

Moscow Mitch ?
Ted CruzChev ?
Grouper lips Greene ?

thoughts ? Lol
Running a side bet with my sesh buddies on which repub knuckleheads get DELTA.

Moscow Mitch ?
Ted CruzChev ?
Grouper lips Greene ?

thoughts ? Lol
They've all been vaccinated, like the clowns at Foxnews, covid is just for the suckers and morons. If Trump holds rallies, delta will get them, since there isn't a mask in sight at his rallies and most of the idiots who attend are unvaccinated. Most of these super spreader events will be in places with low vaccination rates, real red places, so he can pump up the crowd size. Trumpers will come from all over, even neighboring states and bring something real special back home to the trailer park.
Running a side bet with my sesh buddies on which repub knuckleheads get DELTA.

Moscow Mitch ?
Ted CruzChev ?
Grouper lips Greene ?

thoughts ? Lol
I don't think that there is no way that they are not all vaccinated. They are liars who are just trying to keep their cult thinking that they are not lying to them and convincing them to be very dangerous.
They've all been vaccinated, like the clowns at Foxnews, covid is just for the suckers and morons. If Trump holds rallies, delta will get them, since there isn't a mask in sight at his rallies and most of the idiots who attend are unvaccinated. Most of these super spreader events will be in places with low vaccination rates, real red places, so he can pump up the crowd size. Trumpers will come from all over, even neighboring states and bring something real special back home to the trailer park.

it seems about every 100 years is a reckoning that reduces population in a big way.