
So you are not interested in seeing your cult leader speak? Try watching a few of the videos I posted. Too bad you espouse communism, a loser game.
It amuses me that you characterize my politics (which are centrist) as Communist. It casts your bias in sharp relief.

Post vids from honest sources and I might watch. In the meantime, your link forensics are just as amusing as you lap up the drivel from hard-right-bias "news" sites.

My two favorite honest sources are Reuters and AP. Any of those agitprop vids sourced from them?
It amuses me that you characterize my politics (which are centrist) as Communist. It casts your bias in sharp relief.

Post vids from honest sources and I might watch. In the meantime, your link forensics are just as amusing as you lap up the drivel from hard-right-bias "news" sites.

My two favorite honest sources are Reuters and AP. Any of those agitprop vids sourced from them?
Reuters and AP are both biased but that is exactly what you want as apparently you have problems with any information not put out by your programmers. The videos are nothing but film clips of your Koolade maker Joe Biden.

Diggit magazine? Way too funny. If you would look you would see many of the links come from leftstream media sources.
Half-wit clearly lacks reading comprehension skills, and is incapable of discerning between fact and "truth". Bias affirmation clearly takes precedence over critical thinking.

Conservatives are poorly educated...

So what in the wikipedia article paints the author in a bad light? Just because he is not some leftist does not mean he has no right to either research or an opinion.
No need to check questionable news links -
The fat baboon has every word and photo archived …

Here is one from 1998 ( indisputable)


You should stop relying on edited click bait to convince yourself of the lies that right wing propagandists use to try to get would be dictators elected.
No need to check questionable news links -
The fat baboon has every word and photo archived …

Here is one from 1998 ( indisputable)

View attachment 4937991

Always check your bias.

While I agree that that sounds like something Stinky would say, he didn't...

Reuters and AP are both biased but that is exactly what you want as apparently you have problems with any information not put out by your programmers. The videos are nothing but film clips of your Koolade maker Joe Biden.

Oh, did they cause you psychological distress by providing fact based journalism that contradicted your poorly informed opinion?

Cognitive dissonance.

I would suggest that you look up the meaning of that term, but you won't because...

Cognitive dissonance.
“We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated,” before exclaiming “I love the poorly educated!”
Fact check this ....... yes he’s an asshole but the people that voted for him are naive, stupid, and delusional and I hope it never happens again!