
Dementia is a disease and not “old guy moments”. Young people get it as well, it is the deterioration of the brain and not just “oh he’s old and gets confused” shit. It’s a devastating, heartbreaking, terrible disease. Sometimes the onset is slow, sometimes incredibly fast. Being not a whole lot known about it and no cure could be the cause of your confusion.

It's just a general description of a variety of symptoms. Alzheimer's is a disease.
The point being that, I don't think we should be so put off by the word. It doesn't really mean a whole lot and the guy is close to 80. Just doesn't seem like a big deal if he shows some early symptoms. He's obviously doing fine.
Biden handling the pandemic? Yeah right. All he is doing is letting the experts do their thing and not saying stupid shit to undermine them. Any idiot can do that.
I hoped that would be apparent in my post. ;)