Big Bass


Well-Known Member
Another fish story,She got away with my rod so i grabbed another real fast and hooked
the other ones line with a Rattletrap.
After a long battle,A few falls and a trip its a damn Turtle!!:cuss:
Did manage to catch 9-10 small ones,So it was a good time.
My biggest is 12.72,from Lake Fork,Texas.
Our local water supply is only like 5 miles so I just go there almost
daily this time of year for the spawn.
Some big fish in there also,7.05 last yr.

Any you guys like to Bass fish?


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeaaaasss
I passed up a trip to fork when I young.:'(
But lived in fla few years n im a missouri boy originally. I love bass fishing. Bummer bout the turtle.


Well-Known Member
Lake Forks 29mls to the Ramp!Damn cant believe you passed Up!
Been a 16lber caught so far this yr.


Well-Known Member
Another fish story,She got away with my rod so i grabbed another real fast and hooked
the other ones line with a Rattletrap.
After a long battle,A few falls and a trip its a damn Turtle!!:cuss:
Did manage to catch 9-10 small ones,So it was a good time.
My biggest is 12.72,from Lake Fork,Texas.
Our local water supply is only like 5 miles so I just go there almost
daily this time of year for the spawn.
Some big fish in there also,7.05 last yr.

Any you guys like to Bass fish?
Reminds me of the time when I was 15 or 16 at the reservoir in a small cove, with a Balsa B, Shimano Bantam 1000, and 12 lb Ande, got a backlash, was trying to clear it, and had a black bass come up , snatch the Balsa, tug, and help out:lol:.
By the time I realized what had happened, the backlash had cleared, I locked it in, set the hook, and snatched a little over 4 pounder.


Well-Known Member
I just watched another couple of episodes of River Monsters. Jeremy Wade went Noodlin' with a couple of guys in Oklahoma and they ended up winning some tournament. The flathead cat he caught was 53 pounds. In the other episode he went to Russia and almost got for the sturgeon there is illegal. He got to catch one anyway, by hooking up with a science research team. Oh, in the first episode he was also fishing for bull sharks in a river in Florida..first he caught a 300 pound goliath grouper, but he eventually caught a smaller shark.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of the time when I was 15 or 16 at the reservoir in a small cove, with a Balsa B, Shimano Bantam 1000, and 12 lb Ande, got a backlash, was trying to clear it, and had a black bass come up , snatch the Balsa, tug, and help out:lol:.
By the time I realized what had happened, the backlash had cleared, I locked it in, set the hook, and snatched a little over 4 pounder.
Cant tell ya how many BIG bass ive caught while backlashed,Some of my Biggest!


New Member
I used to.I lived in NC for a bit and I stayed in Okachobee for a bit.Sadly,no bass up here in the north.

match box

Well-Known Member
I went bass fishing last Nov. at Falcon lake. That is the only time I've done any bass fishing. I had a great time. When the bass came up out of the water it was just like the fishing shows.


Well-Known Member
I have the worst urge to go out on the boat and fish under the sun. Fuck this cold weather,(currently snowing with solid ice on the roads) I guess the semi nice weather yesterday was just a sick april fools joke. Mother natures a bitch


Well-Known Member
Just went out on in NC I live in an area with several large lakes and nice rivers I love fishing for Largemouth. The wife and I have a small trailer on Kerr Lake which stradles the border of Vir. and NC actually headed there thurs for a nice long weekend of fishing !


Virtually Unknown Member
Cant tell ya how many BIG bass ive caught while backlashed,Some of my Biggest!
Or the ones that strike when the lure is close to shore/boat and you've all but given up on that cast. I'm always surprised and always fall for it. Live in Midwest so still pretty cold. Went out couple of days ago, 47 air temp but a steady wind, so it was cold. Out about an hour, didn't really expect to get anything and still thinking it was too early in the season so I wouldn't be real bummed if I got skunked (cause it wasn't "official" you know.) About ready to call it, when I got a 2lb something on a rubber frog. Healthy looking, solid, cold fish the kind that are great eating. I'm always a C&R but I was tempted to take this one home. I can't wait to get started spring fishing. About all I fish for now is LM. Around here a 6lb fish is big, I think our state record is 10. PS. I was high as a motherfucker on a "special" hash joint too!! All in all, a super first time out.


Virtually Unknown Member
Just went out on in NC I live in an area with several large lakes and nice rivers I love fishing for Largemouth. The wife and I have a small trailer on Kerr Lake which stradles the border of Vir. and NC actually headed there thurs for a nice long weekend of fishing !
You lucky dog you...