Big Bud Grow Op


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, off to a new running start with the generous advice of Nongreenthumb! I decided to try some Big Bud since the blueberry is a bit more of a challenge and I totally suck at growing pot. Hopefully my grow will survive to fruition without me screwing it up.

I started this past Friday (10-5-07) by germing 7 Big Bud seeds from Nirvana. As of today (10-7) I have little tap roots coming out of 6 and the 7th is cracking. I soaked 6 1.5" rock wool cubes in pH'ed water for about an hour then put the seeds in. Then I put them in the empty grow room (2'x4'x6') with a single 65w CFL over them. The cracked seed is in the plastic baggie, maybe it will have a root on it tomorrow and I'll add it to the collection.

...and here they are!

Here is sort of a birds eye view of the grow room


Sector 5 Moderator
Nope, not in a dorm, LOL. The little seed heads are poking thru the rock wool this morning. I checked on the cracked seed and it had a little root on it too. I soaked another rock wool cube and am waiting for 30 min before putting the new little girl in the RW. A perfect germ rate, 7/7 - Thanks Nirvana!! I thought I'd snap a pic and show the progress from yesterday. Yesterday I put them in the RW, just barely below the surface and today one is really energetic and standing up a good 1/2". Several others are either popped out or are pushing the RW out of the way on their way up. Looks like these girls are going to be feisty. Thanks NGT!! BTW, that's the new girl sitting on top of the RW. She's covered up by the paper towel til the RW marinates.


Sector 5 Moderator
It's just sitting there with the paper towel over it for now til the RW cube soaks for 30 min.


Well-Known Member
what i normally do is put the seeds in a paper towel until i see the taproot, then soak the cube for half hour and then put it into the hole of the rockwool usually so the seed shell is 1/8th inch from the top.


Sector 5 Moderator
That's exactly what I did not a minute ago. I'm also marking the sides of the cubes to keep up with which came up in what order. 7 new babies, yipeeeee!!


Hey hey pimp!

Glad you started a journal. Now we'll be growing together. If you have any questions, i'm there to help as a fellow noob and NGT's apprentice. I'll be posting pics in my journal tonight as well. Best of luck and feel free to PM me.


Sector 5 Moderator
Day 2: All the babies are up at least 1/2", with the exception of the one that went into the RW yesterday. I have them numbered as to which one came up first and/or is the tallest as of this morning. That info might prove useful later on when I decide which ones to clone. I lowered the 65w multi-spectrum CFL a few inches; it's about 6" away now.


Well-Known Member
If you can safely remove those seed shells, do it
a.s.a.p...they can cause the inital leaves to die
without giving them a chance. It's a sad affair.


Sector 5 Moderator
I am for now; cause NGT said so. It sort of acts as a pot. The roots don't grow thru it and it doesn't hurt anything; they aren't going in the hydro.